Spoke with unit this morning.son comfortable since his arrival.he had got upset when h.d.u nurse who travelled with him had to leave.he seems to have understanding.someone had sat with him y/ day for some time explaining where he was etc( I expect they were assessing him). They had asked him if he wanted TV on and he shrugged.I pod?thumbs up.looks like I will get to see him next week.I have name of lady I need to speak to on Monday.you turn up half hour earlier than appointment, take a " lateral flow test", wait for that to be clear and they let you in..everything has happened so quickly doesn't seem real.4 months of nothing much and now this?
Rang unit: Spoke with unit this morning.son... - Headway
Rang unit
Oh wow how exciting, I hope your visit goes well! Seeing my partner the first time was tough for me, very emotional, but it was also wonderful. It gets much easier with time and you will start to see improvements. We do the same thing-half hour early for the lateral flow test, sit outside for 30 mins, then show the negative result and then get to go in. It starts to become your new normal over time. X
Mine got very upset and confused when leaving his happy ward especially leaving Jake his main nurse I think cos of the close personnel care he really got attached to him, good luck with visit, exciting times
This is brilliant news x
Good to hear the upheaval of the transfer is now done with, and that your son has settled ; a big milestone !
Hope all goes well for you both next week D ....it'll be emotional for sure but hopefully the beginning of happier times. Look forward to your update... x
Just really happy this transition is going well, and so please to see you can visit.x
This is nice to hear. He's responding to them too and they're asking him what he wants to be comfortable etc. And you'll see him soon which is amazing!