Good morning to you all my wonderful family yes I mean it, guys your advice on this forum has helped me to live again after my brain injury 3years ago. Huuuunn what a journey but thanks be to God almighty and I thank you guys , my special thank goes to Cat, you’re a star.
Yes my recovery journey has been very good as I listen to my body and try not to do too much,
Please I need help, my confidence has been sooo poor that I cannot say what I really want because I worry I will make someone angry or upset.
I owned a small flat in Scotland and it’s been rented long term ago while I live in A rented room in London, but now I am struggling sharing and dealing with the noise here,, I really need my own better space but I am scared of telling my tenant to move out. He has been nice and pay his rent promptly, please I need your help how can I tell this good tenants to move out, I am worried that he will be angry about that.
Please kindly advise me.