Strange message.: Has anyone else received one of... - Headway


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Strange message.

cat3 profile image
79 Replies

Has anyone else received one of these private messages. I found it an hour ago and can only assume it's intended to draw people into a scam of some sort.

I've copied & pasted it here :-


an hour ago

Hello Dear,

I need your attention. My Name is Mr. Austin Brendan, I am reaching you with faith to solicit for your kind assistance to help me achieve investment in your country, I am the only Child lift by my late father Chief Jefett O. Brendan. My late father was a Gold and Precious Stones Marchant / Real Estate when he was Alive, I He was poisoned to death by his brother's because of land dispute investment project which have make my life miserable today. Unfortunately my mother died last 3 months ago after suffered kidney surgical operation in a hospital, when she was on hospital bed before her painful death, she advised me to seek for a foreign assistance to help me and receive my inherited funds left by my late father. I am reaching you concerning the funds my late father deposited with a bank, I inherited the sum of $12.7 Million Dollars from my late father, I will like to present you to the bank as my late father foreign investor to assist me transfer this fund into your account for investment, and help me come over to your country after the successful transfer to your account.

Right now the bank have verified and confirmed this deposited with them, I am reaching you to help me move this funds out for investment in your country as my late mother advised me before she die, Please I do not know much well about your country and investment as well good knowledge to manage the big money, my wish was to invest this money into Real Estate sector, but if you have any valuable and lucrative business investment ideas with good profit, I will be very happy to invest this fund wisely through your help, I have in mind to offer you 15% of the total sum of US $12.7 million dollars as your assistance towards me, it will be joyful to read from your positive respond accepting to help me Accomplish this plan as I have decided to invest this money with you in your country and resettle for this investment plan and my security for better future, all of these are what you will consider in your mind how faithfully you will be to me over this transaction, because this is the only inheritance that I inherit from my late father in other to live, for more information please contact me through my contact address at ( please this is an urgent letter.

May God bless you as you will come into rescue me as your own child.

Anxiously waiting for your interesting reply!

Best Regards.

Mr. Austin Brendan.

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cat3 profile image
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79 Replies
Iwona084 profile image

I did just now!

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Iwona084

I'm haven't forgotten the emails Iwona ; still looking for ways to open the links ! xx

randomphantoms profile image

Hi Cat

I can't say that I have but then I never open mail if I don't recognise the sender.

Absolutely a scam in my book.

Hope you have a peaceful night.

Love n hugs


cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to randomphantoms

For a second I assumed it was a new, rather odd, member looking for help ! Never mind ; no harm done. Just a cheek trying to exploit folk on a health forum but he hasn't reckoned on how canny we are here ! xxx

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to cat3

Did it come through the Headway part, another forum or health unlocked itself?

It might be easier to spot when we know what to look for.

Hope I'm not confusing the issue.

Love n hugs


cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to randomphantoms

It came directly to my Headway messages last night. I was concerned that it might have been sent to others so I reported it to HealthUnlocked.....................but they haven't responded. I'd hoped they might put out an alert about ignoring such scams, just in case anyone was taken in by it.

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to cat3

Thanks for that Cat. Now I know what to look out for.

Hope you are keeping well.

Love n hugs


humanbean profile image

It is possible to report dodgy private messages now, and that message you've quoted is dodgy as they come!

To report a private message, look at the top right of the box the message is in, and you will see three dots ... Click on the dots and an option to Report pops up. Click on that.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to humanbean

Yes I reported it straight away but don't expect to hear from HealthUnlocked for a day or two.

I've had actual handwritten letters in the past telling me I'm a beneficiary to fortunes of deceased millionaires in faraway places.................they just wanted my bank details so they could pay enormous sums into my bank !

These scammers are untraceable and they will get a 'hit' every now and then with people who're taken in by them.

I reported it to HU so they could alert members to be on the lookout. It's not nice knowing there's a troll/scammer in our midst ; This site is obviously open to anyone with an email address. xx

Elenor3 profile image

Thank you :) haven't received one yet, but I've seen a fair few similar ones in my inbox from time to time. What's the world coming to? :) x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Elenor3

I get regular attempts amongst my emails. They start by telling me there's an issue with my bank account and I need to phone 'this secure number' or click on 'this secure link'. I just ignore and delete it.

And there are the phone calls purporting to be from my bank and asking for details of my card and account ! I always tell them I don't trust them, hang up and report them to my bank's security dept.

There used to be a song ..................... 'Close the door, they're coming through the windows, Close the windows they're coming up the stairs' ............... it feels quite like that at times. :o xx

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to cat3

Just found this ( never heard of it before your mention ) : 2.49 of utter mayhem, lol ! : )) x

iforget profile image
iforget in reply to angelite

Oh my goodness this was fun... reminded me a little bit of the little blue man record that was around when we were kids...that was innocent nonsense too ;)

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to iforget

Little blue man ? Please enlighten.................................... :-/ x

iforget profile image
iforget in reply to cat3

Cat I don't know how to add a video link here but if you Google "The Little Blue Man" by Betty Johnson there are videos some with lyrics on you tube. Petula Clark also did a cover version of it too but the one we had was the Betty version. We loved it as kids and would get my Dad to play it over and over

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to iforget

Just watched it iforget and, as in many nursery rhymes, it was a pretty violent ending. She was so blasé about tipping the little blue man off the roof. Hilarious !

..........................I suppose it could get annoying being constantly reminded that someone loves you ??

I've never heard it before, so thanks for that m'dear ; once again we've descended into silliness, which is a good thing for a rainy, Monday afternoon !! :-/ x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to cat3

Thanks for video Angela ; this is the very one I sent to my pal's mum earlier this year ! It's just so barmy ; I love it ! xx

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to iforget

It's just a copy and paste from youtube iforget - my son taught me how. Just listened to the little blue man by Betty - wuvved it ! : )) My Mum used to sing 'Loving you has made me bananas' and 'One eyed, one horned flying purple people eater' - Happy days : ) x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to angelite

YES ! .............The Purple People Eater !

Absolute classic. :D


steve55 profile image
steve55 in reply to angelite


Yep, definately smells like a scam. As you say, it is sad that scammers are hanging around here. 😬

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

They maybe think we're more vulnerable than most ; big mistake !! xx

Hi Cat, I run my local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and get details of many, many scams that are doing the rounds. This is a well known one. If you agree to move this (imaginary) money they would ask you to send them a small amount for 'processing fees', or something like that., Then they'd ask for a larger amount as the money was tied up and they had to pay costs to release it, etc. As you had already paid out, you'd be reluctant to lose that money so would send a bit more..... and you'd lose a fair amount before you discovered it to be a hoax. Another one to be especially aware of (I know people who have been caught) Is a call from a 'police or CID person' investigating a fraud on your account. They need your bank details. Sometimes they will even send a taxi to your house to collect your cards that they say they need to check your details. Needless to say you won't see your cards or your cash again. There are so many of these scams around, never open anything you don't recognise, or communicate with people regarding your bank details. When the scammers call you, they suggest that you ring them back to prove that they are genuine and they give you the number of their 'police station'. They keep the phone line open so that when you ring the number you go through to them and they tell you it's genuine. If this happens to any of you, ring from another phone and phone your local police.

Unfortunately there are so many of these scams. If you look up scams on the internet, it will tell you lots of them to be aware of. It is so easy to be taken in by these people they seem so genuine. Several friends have had phishing e-mails or texts that look genuinely like official documents, bank logo's etc. If you open the e-mail, they know your account is active. A lovely old friend, dying of cancer and with a very sick daughter was almost caught by a man telling her she had won a lottery prize and just needed to send a processing fee. Luckily we visited just as she was about to give him her bank details. If they catch you when you are low or busy, it is very easy to not take as much care as you would normally do.

There are some revoltingly dishonest people out there with no morals at all.

Have a good day.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

Yes, they're everywhere these days ! If in doubt, I tell anyone phoning that, as I can't be sure of their integrity I'm hanging up. If they start to whinge & insist they're genuine I tell them I'll make my own enquiries as to their authenticity ..........................and I'm hanging up ! You cannot afford to trust anyone you don't know any more ; what a sorry state the world is in ! xx

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to

Thanks for all your safety info. The more we share of this, the less likely we are to get caught out. I am pleased to see that there have been a number of recent TV adverts highlighting the ways in which scammers operate : ) x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to angelite

I agree Angela. I've just had a consultation with a new neuro consultant who wanted to hear an account of what was happening immediately prior to my SAH.

I described how I passed out after looking at my online bank account and seeing large amounts had disappeared. I 'woke up' a month later ! That scam was a result of not reading the small print.

But after discharge from hospital I went to the branch and the manager told me they were happy to reimburse me. He also admitted he'd fallen for a scam himself earlier that year ! :x x

in reply to angelite

I have just been reading the 'Which' magazine which has an article in it about a particularly awful scam. Hackers get into the computer of a company (in the case they highlighted it was a garden buildings company, but I have also heard it happen with a solicitor). They keep an eye on correspondence between the company and a customer and just before payment is due to be made on-line, they send an e-mail saying the money is due but that the bank details have changed. The money is sent, the customer never sees the money again and the company loses their payment. There are some revolting people out there. We used to live in a seaside resort and I was contacted one day by the local tourist office. Two large families had arrived to find the holiday cottages they had booked. They didn't exist.

The trouble is that when people are vulnerable, as many are on this forum, they are not always as careful as they perhaps should be. Some of the scams are so realistic. Please everyone, be very vigilant, these crooks are extremely clever and seem so genuine.

whereisit profile image

When you get something from any where you don't know hum "Never smile at a crocodile!" and delete:)

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to whereisit

Actually, it would be quite fun to sing that song to the scammer when getting a scam phone call .................. and hang up. :D Made me laugh whereisit I x

in reply to cat3

yes, that would be an ideal voice recorded msg/song.... close the door, la de da, la de da. In all seriousness, they are so intrusive and merciless. On a brighter night, hope you have a great day pottering around your garden. 😀xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

Not today Claire. It was glorious this morning whilst I was at a hospital appointment, but now it's pouring down. So I'm here with my laptop & eating a tuna sandwich !

I suppose you've been pottering around the beach with your best furry pal ? (if it's not too cold). x

in reply to cat3

We do very brisk walks in this chilly weather! My fury kid wears a doggy coat if it's extra cold!

Hope your hospital appt. was not too taxing. Yum...tuna sandwich. Have you tried chilly tuna? My favourite. xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

I wish you'd post a photo sometime Claire ; I'd love to see your little friend in doggy coat !

My appointment was a really strange experience. It's a hospital I've never visited before but everything was so 'right'.

The car park was spacious and attractive with trees & shrubs all around, the building was spotless & inviting, the staff were helpful in directing me to the dept. and the consultant................well...........I think I'm besotted ! His manner was that of an equal and he was impeccably thorough, quoting all my past issues in detail !

I'm to have a Brain scan and a recall appt. before he decides what's to be done. Thanks for asking !

Hope you're keeping warm and taking good care of yourself. Please give furry ?? (don't know gender or name of your little pal) a great big hug from me. Love Cat xx

in reply to cat3

I suspect that you may be looking forward to your next appt! My fury kid called Artie (male) is quite a popular pet. Nice people magnet! Twice this week, he has had his photo taken by other doggy owners. 😀 I do have some great photos that to post but don't how to do it on this site. ?? I do know how to send a photo attached to an email though. Is it similar method?

Artie just got a loving hug on your behalf. xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

How lovely to be able to send Artie a physical hug from one side of the world to the other !

If you were to compose a new post there's an attachment option which allows for posting photos ; I'm sure that a picture of Artie on the beach wearing his doggie coat would be very popular here. ;-)

Re. the appointment ............. I certainly won't be apprehensive about my next one Claire.


in reply to cat3

ThanksCat. Look out for my new post staringArtie, soon! xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

Oh I will Claire ! It's so true what you said about the dog owner community being so friendly.

I of course don't own a dog, I own a grandson ! He's now 8 and had been heard to say 'Oh, here we go again' every time we see a dog approaching in the park, 'cause he knows I'll stop and pet the dog (whatever its size) and chat to the owner about its name, its breed, its appearance etc..........and I've never met a dog owner yet who isn't happy to talk about their pet.

Last weekend my daughter and I were seated on a park bench when a big, beautiful, pure-white wolf-like dog passed by with its owner, and I said 'Oh isn't he just BEAUTIFUL !' The owner of course (male) looked across and said 'Oh how kind ; and what d'you think of my dog ?'

I love dogs but have to content myself with admiring other people's.................I look forward to meeting Artie ; I'm sure he'll be a welcome sight here ! Thanks Claire. xx

in reply to cat3

Hi Cat,

thanks for your advice re how to uploading a photo. Sorry, I could only do one and it is without his coat on. Will try again later with his coat on. xx

angelite profile image

Oo Cat, that's hit my 'cross' button ! Thanks for making us aware of this. Biggest load of baloney I ever read - however, I'm in the fortunate position of being high functioning enough to recognise this for the danger that it is : not everyone will have that capacity. To deliberately target vulnerable groups of society in this way makes me fume ! x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to angelite

As my pal put it, they're scam scum ! x

Michael_e profile image

It's a scam.

Dottiejay profile image

This is virtually the same as emails I was getting over 10 years ago. Then they were being run from Nigeria and all used a bereavement or religious motive to get attention. Needless to say they were and still are scams

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Dottiejay

Yes Dottie, I had them from Nigeria too around that time. But they're so widespread now.....................I play 'Cat and Mouse' every time I log onto my Email account.

Gaia_rising profile image

I used to get loads of those on my old Hotmail account- "Dearest Friend...", come to think of it, I had some dodgy contacts via a penpal forum I used to use as well, the world is full of strange things, and these scams are one of those things.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Gaia_rising

I suppose an Apple laptop would be the answer ; I'm on Microsoft with a TalkTalk email account and have to wade through a couple of hundred spams/scams/ads every day whereas my pal with an Apple never gets any.

It's just a shame that, unless you're fortunate to be warned of what to look for, you're almost certain to fall into a trap at least once ; I know I did. Won't do it again though with my new, improved, super vigilance !

in reply to cat3

Interesting comment about the apple lap top

I have access to a chromebook, mac (Apple) laptop, Android tablet and A Windows 10 lap top and I find that the Chromebook and Apple don't seem to have half the problems of the Windows and Android devices

I also prefer The Mac tablet (but that is a personal opinion)

iforget profile image

I think this kind of scam is pretty well known by now...and the phishing emails are still common and some of very convincing using logos from real organisations. Hopefully we all know by now not to follow links in emails that appear to come from your bank or that ask you to update your account details for any online services you may use.

Another way these scammers are targeting people is via FaceBook where many people are more casual about what they share... and seemingly innocent post that are shared around between friends and posted as "just for fun" are actually ways in which scammers harvest information... so these list three things type posts ...3 names you are known by, 3 places you have lived, name of your first pet, first car, where did you go to college, favourite teachers name, favourite ice cream etc etc... all these provide information that helps scammers...and when you step back and look at the seemingly innocent just for fun lists you realise that they include things that appear on the list of security questions for account passwords...

Another one more recently was "today is happily married couples day, if you are a happily married couple post your full names and the date you were married" ...and so many people did this without thinking.... because social media has lured everyone into a fasle sense of security.

I have seen people fill out all their personal details and then without realising share them with the world wide web... scammers love these innocent people.

Stay safe out there...never post anything on social media you are not happy for the entire world to know and never follow links in emails unless you are 100% certain they are safe.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to iforget

Yes I get regular emails with official looking logos of my bank telling me there's been an irregularity on my account and it'll remain frozen 'til I phone the 'secure number' provided.

I delete them automatically, but there will always be people who believe the hoax, and all these scammers need to stay in business is one in every few hundred.

Matt2584 profile image

Hi Cat,

I haven't got any message like that before but I can tell you right away that it has 'Scam' written all over it.

I don't trust a lot of people at all in this world today therefore any kind of message that involves me helping someone with money or accepting money is a massive no-no.

I don't really care how their life or story is according to the message they have sent me, for all I know they could have a perfect life.

I could get a message from a person saying they have got terminal cancer and they need £5000 for treatment but they are poor, could I help them out.

The answer would be "Do I look like an idiot?"

I know it might sound heartless and I also know that it doesn't sound heartless because I know what kinds of people are out there.

In actual fact, if this person did have terminal cancer they wouldn't need £5000. All they would need to do is sort out what they are eating. If they've got cancer, they have likely got a horrible, acidic diet. So first things first, ditch all the acidic foods and start earing more natural alkaline foods.

Looking into the PH system will better explain it.

Take care,


cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

People who use cancer stories to con others are completely immoral and heartless ; you'd think they'd fear that fate might turn around and bite them back !

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

You would think that and maybe that has even happened to some.

I believe in karma, what comes around, goes around. Do something nasty, and something nasty may happen to you. Maybe later in life will they experience it but still, better late than never :).

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

Yes Matt, I believe in Karma. I think I've actually seen it in action on a couple of occasions.....................very satisfying !! :o

clivekeen profile image

Hi have had quite a few dodgy e mails over past few years like this Had to report one as I got a Cheque for a nice sum of money with my bank details on it the bank got a phone call it was a fraud Cheque book got stolen good job we were quick thinking I stil get fraud e mails now they get deleted and my bank account has got a hold if a fraughster try's to get bank details again

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to clivekeen

It seems there's no one here who's unaffected by this business and it looks like there's no end to the variety of scamming methods.

bonfire profile image

It's a scam. It's also got spelling mistakes.

I haven't read it all; I skim read it and saw the words 'investment... account....invest.' It's a scam.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to bonfire

Yes, he's trying to reel people in with his poor attempt at a sob story, hoping someone will contact him. The sad thing is he'll be circulating this to hundreds of forums/emails/chat-rooms and some people will fall for it, either out of curiosity or gain, not realising the risk.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to cat3

It's just like The X factor, trying to reel people in with a sob story just so they can get first place.

It really is petty and ridiculous.

I have not watched the X factor for a few years now, don't really want to watch it again. In fact I don't really watch much TV at all these days.

Life is so much more important without TV.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Matt2584

Now this is a whole other subject, but I think they've toned it down a little bit owing to so many viewers complaining about how the competition should be purely about talent and not background.

X factor is one of my guilty pleasures because I love to see unknown people getting recognition for true talent, but I always pressed the mute button when the sob stories were showing !

Sem2011 profile image

No email alerts in my inbox. It is strange to go through Healthunlocked website. Good you have reported. I have had emails similar in the past .

Thanks for giving us the heads up. Perhaps it is just me, but perhaps they have contacted perhaps their view they are targeting HEalthunlocked as they may view us more vulnerable, which makes me angry!


cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Sem2011

Absolutely Sara ; that's what I said earlier. But I think they might just have picked the wrong bunch 'cause we've had to learn caution as a matter of survival !! xx

Elkay_1954 profile image

Hi Cat. Yes, definitely a scam - I've had a number like this over the years. It goes without saying, I know, but don't reply - just delete. Bit disappointed though that the site have not replied to your reporting of this email.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Elkay_1954

I know Elkay. My email has possibly been lost amongst all the other notifications from the dozens of other sites. Unlike on the forum, there's no 'Report' button on the message section and all correspondence goes to Health-Unlocked .

StrawberryCream profile image

I got it but didn't open the link as did that once before with something that seemed like it was sent from a friend so I opened it and it then enabled all my email contacts to be hacked and also sent things!

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to StrawberryCream

I don't think opening a message on Headway could give the sender access to anything of value Caroline as all personal information is protected by passwords. This is simply an attempt to get people to contact the sender and fall for his woeful story ! x

StrawberryCream profile image
StrawberryCream in reply to cat3

The link was on the email message I received along with being able to go to Headway HealthUnlocked. Having got caught out before I was concerned that if I opened the link from the email that it would let hackers into my email account!


cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

Indeed Dillm. But never mind that ..............................where did you disappear to again !! Good to see you as always ; hope you're doing ok. xx

in reply to cat3

Managed to block emails on my tablet and access to Headway account

On Investigation found that date was set wrong so Chrome would not accept emails with a date later than the tablet's date confused so was I

Also not being having a good time at moment

full time carer for my other half

now found that i have a damaged spine

take care x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

What's the problem with your spine Dillm ? x

in reply to cat3

Damage to the vertebrae which in respect of the lower vertebrae causes sciatic type pain when walking etc

steve55 profile image

mr austin brendan so what is it you actually want

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to steve55

A violin accompaniment ? : ))

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to steve55

He'll be wanting people to contact him so he can con them into believing there is a percentage of his inheritance coming their way, then they'll be asked to pay charges to release the money.....................& that's where Mr B does a disappearing act.

Also, whoever contacts him will automatically be disclosing their email address which might be of use to him further down the line.

moo196 profile image

Yes, received twice and reported twice !!

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to moo196

And no response Kathy ? I know there's nothing HU can do about this interloper but I'd hoped they might post a reminder of the dangers of responding to such appeals, for anyone tempted to do so. x

NigelJ profile image

Classic and undoubted scam Cat. Leave well alone and don't reply. I doubt he has any money at all. The scam is he will ask you for an upfront payment to proceed with it describing it as the fees he has to pay to release the money or similar and at the same time will steal ur details for identity fraud. The depths these people go to is unreal xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to NigelJ

I wouldn't dream of replying Nigel. These are organised gangs who target thousands of people, knowing they'll eventually get a 'hit'.

I just didn't want that to be anyone of us ! x

RogerCMerriman profile image

it's a scam and a very old one at that,

you'll probably find a load in your junk folder in your email.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to RogerCMerriman

Believe me Roger my emails are about 20% scams every day. They pose as Ebay, Amazon, every bank on the high street and many, many more.

The commonest one is the 'We have had to freeze your account owing to an irregularity................ please phone this number to deactivate your account'.

Once you're aware of them you see through them easily, but so many unsuspecting folk are still stung by them every day. :O

Not what you're looking for?

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