Hi everyone, I made the decision to get my third aneurysm clipped . I just got my date Monday the 4th of November, which is 7 months after my sah . I am very nervous but I suppose that is normal , I am trying to be positive and look forward to feeling free when it is done . Has anyone that has got this procedure done any advice, tips for me as I really don't know what to expect. Thank you, Sharon xx
Craniotomy : Hi everyone, I made the decision to get... - Headway

Hi Sharon,
I don’t have any tips, or advice I’m afraid as my brain injury was caused by an accident.
All I can say is make sure you ask the surgeon if you have any worries or concerns. No matter how silly!
It’s totally normal to be apprehensive especially as your sah was so recent. The surgeon would have weighed up the pros vs cons & also risk associated with your procedure, which should be reassuring.
Let us know how you are (when you can). You’ll be in my thoughts Sharon!
I wish you the very best!
Emma x
Hi Emma, thank you for reading my post and your reply it means a lot to me. I am sorry to hear of your brain injury. I feel alone even though I am not , but I say you know how that feels too. I will update as soon as I am fit.
Sharon x
Hi Sharon,
You are so very welcome! Brain injury doesn’t seem to discriminate when it comes to how the injury was sustained. We can share common after effects and symptoms, despite the cause being different.
You must be terrified, I really feel for you! Surgery is a very daunting prospect but you are right, it is best to try and remain as calm as you can & try not to focus on any “what if’s”. Keep talking to us on here & to people around you. It’s never good to keep everything inside.
I will keep a lookout for your update!
Lots of love
Emma x
Good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery
My aneurism was coiled.....so FAR less intrusive, but when anyone is facing neurosurgery and (naturally) quite apprehensive, it reminds me of my surgeon's comments on the subject. He said he wished the massive percentage of success wasn't always overshadowed by the tiny percentage of risk. OK for him, on the other side of the fence, but maybe still food for thought.
I hope you're nerves hold out on Monday Sharon and all goes smoothly. Please let us know how you're getting on when you're feeling up to it.
Best wishes & hugs, Cat x
THank you cat I am just back from pre assessment and the nurse was very positive so that helped a lot .
Sharon x
Goodmorning Shalala
If you have been recommended to have clips then I’m sure your Neuro Surgeon has considered all options and you will be in the very best hands. It is of course daunting to have any type of surgery but if you have waited 7 months then you must have a very stable bleed - have the other 2 been clipped too? I had 2 internal clips & my carotid clipped in 2001 (aged 34) and had a 2% chance of survival came from nowhere & feel blessed every day .. a few cognitive & sleep issues but apart from that and the dreaded menopause (although feel privileged to be here!!) I thank my lucky stars daily.
I had two small children then and regret not giving myself more time to ‘recover’ more slowly but their needs were seemingly greater .. so allow yourself TIME! and Rest ...
Ask everything you need to & be positive
Sending you an ENORMOUS HUG and my fondest love & thoughts xx❤️
Hi mslucky,
I had the 2 other aneurysms coiled , they knew it was one of them because of flow/direction of blood. This one only suits clipping because of its shape.
You are so blessed but that must have been a very hard time for you with 2 young children but you made it , its strange how we notice the little things now . And no longer take anything for granted and every second counts .
I just want it to be over and finally feel I can breathe again ,
Sharon x x