Has anyone else had the above procedure and what has been your experience of recovery in particular getting the dvla to give your driving licence back?
What are your post op experiences following cranio... - Headway
What are your post op experiences following craniotomy for meningioma?

i know from personal experiance that if you have lost consciousness you have to wait a full year without any relapse to apply for your licence again and your doctor will be wrote to and also your doctor can give you a letter of recomendation
yes I lost my licence for 6 months after the opeation, I needed my consultant and Gp to write saying that I had not suffered any seizures, plus an eye examination as I had blurred vision in one eye. You can have one eye; that's ok but if you have two eyes and one is not functioing properly that can be a problem.
I had my operation in Sept 2009 for right sided meningioma. I had a craniotomy, at the time i was only given 2 to 3 days to live and a 50% chance of survival if i chose to have the operation. I am so grateful to everyone involved with my operation and recovery.
I am left with problems and have been told recently that is highly unlikely i will ever drive again. Our lives change so quickly and so drastic it takes time to come to terms with.
joining Headway and making friends with people who are going or have been through similar things have helped me and also my Husband.
My operation or tumour have left me with seizures and absences, my medication as controlled the seizures but the other is very difficult to control., Most people i have met are lucky enough to be driving again a bit of luck u may be one of them., I have had no contact before with anyone with the same injury as myself ,through meningioma.
Gosh dragonfly you have been through such horrendous times, driving again must be of little importance when you came so close to losing your life.. You must be so grateful as I am to the expertise of the surgeons around the country that have helped you. Good luck for the future xx
Thanks Munchie 1
Suppose i have but don't think of it like that any more. Did go through a bit of a period where i felt very sorry for myself. All my plans for my future had to be binned.But no generally i am high on life appreciate every day. Im so glad to be here with my husband & kids. We have met many more wonderful courageous people with such heartbreaking stories. How could i possibly feel sorry for my self any more. I am without a doubt one of the lucky ones.
How about U , what's your story?
Good to hear such positivity shining through. My story is being diagnosed with a men above right eye end of July, craniotomy 9th August to remove, grade 1 tumor so no chemo or radiation treatment needed. Very mild symptoms prior but perhaps some I didn't recognize at the time.. Packed off to recover at home feeling totally overwhelmed with what had happened. On dexamethasone and phenytoin initially but surgeon wanted me off dex really quickly. Did that but horrendous time so clinical nurse specialist put me back on them. Now weaned off and 3 days of no steroids!! Missing them now as head feels dodgy again but hopefully natural steroids will kick in soon. Have you any experience of this?? Still on phenytoin for medium term at least. Feel blessed to have had diagnosis, op and recovery go so well so far but will I ever trust my body again, every twinge I'm on phone to nhs direct! May as well have a weekly slot at gp too! Do you feel the same?
So happy to have such a wonderful husband who has been a real star and my two boys seem relatively unscathed by the whole experience. 5months on I don't feel ready to get back to work and am considering my options, vol redundancy being on the cards but I can't even focus on trying to make that decision..no plan B in mind but these things must happen for a reason and perhaps it's time for a change? Hope to hear from you again. Blessings x
Glad u got diagnosed so quickly, my GP,s in my case were useless. Wrongly diagnosed me twice in the 18 month that i deteriorated. I knew it was my brain but how can you tell a Dr u know better than them. Like you it is a grade 1 for that i am blessed. But unfortunately it had grown as big as a large orange and had squashed all my brain down on one side. It as left two parts of my brain damaged one being my balance that is effected , my memory (short term) visual memory & moods. I must say i was a very placid person before, don't know where she as gone. Yes i worry when i get real bad headaches or pains in my head. Have on a rare occasion when i have thought seriously this is it said to my husband tell the kids I love them if I die. Been told by a neurologist that the pains in head & headaches are quite normal to most especially if you suffered with headaches or migraines before. One said to me we have messed about in a very vascular area for Christ sake ( his choice of words) things will never be the same again.. Have you been along to a Headway group? that as really helped me. You realise that the way you feel and the problems you are left with are very common, Fatigue is a big issue with me.don't know about you.
If i have any problems now i am straight back down to the GP , and i must say they have been pretty marvellous with me now,
Hope some of this helps you, nice to exchange with others who know & understand and that you can be honest with.
Thanks so much yes this has really helped..beginning to realize life will never be the same again but that I've been given a second chance and must be grateful for that and must make the most of everything as and when I'm able, this cant be rushed. All the best to you for a happy new year x
Happy New Year to you too. Hope it was a good Christmas for you. Keep in touch <its been nice chatting to someone who is going through the same.
Hope you come to the right decision about work , Fatigue is a big issue with me don't know about you. Dont think i will work again. Know someone that did try but didn't last, he found it very difficult. Im at Hospital tomorrow , results of my latest scan. I know deep down it will be fine but always have that little niggle.
Take care , chat son xx