I'm not sure where to 'put' this, but remember how supportive this forum has been in the past.
Almost two weeks ago, I was verbally diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (or Condition, depending who you ask.) I'm still waiting for it to come out in writing, to make it tangible. I'd always been a bit odd, and not particularly sociable, but now so many things make sense, especially with the intensive media coverage of Greta Thunberg throwing light on why Autistic girls and women tend to slip through the diagnostic net.
I'm still unemployed, I've finished my Cognitive Analytic Therapy, and been referred on for Emotional Coping Skills and Compassion group-therapies.
Neurology eventually picked me up this April, and there's a five-phase plan to address the chronic migraine, currently on stepped-increase Amitriptyline, which is helping with the visual auras and pain, but not with the fatigue, insomnia, or vertigo.
DWP are being a pain again, I've just had to fill in the Work Capacity Assessment again, very gently explaining that my brain injuries haven't gone away, or gotten better. Brain injuries and ASD are a brilliant combination, I write everything down, and keep copies of everything, so Universal Credit don't have a leg to stand on if they suddenly decide I'm fit-for-work. My PIP was awarded at the enhanced rate for daily living, and back-dated to March 2017, I'll have to re-apply in December this year. All fun and games, and non-disabled people don't get to see that the reason UC saves money is that the claimants do all of their own admin...
Any way, just popping in to sort-of-explain why I sometimes blow hot and cold, and apologise to anyone I've offended with my linear bluntness in the past.
Onwards and sideways, I suppose.