How can i cope with not gtting sleep in cnt cos ave to watch my son.hes gt mntal health problems .trying to manage but lack of sleep is making me ill
Sleep: How can i cope with not gtting sleep in... - Headway

Sorry to hear this Ricozoe. I can only suggest you sleep when he does but, if you're anything like me, sleeping to order isn't an option. How old is your boy now ? xx
Thankyou cat.were waiting fr mental health team.and the time hel asleep is when sleeping tabs wrk at night.he thinks if i go sleep il be killed.its some sort of phycosis.hes on load of tabs.thnku for replying as i was so upset i needed to talk bout it.well my aneryusym didnt stop me.n im now bk to fight it mode.hope alls goin ok fr you x
Oh you poor thing. Psychosis is such a massive challenge for anyone to deal with in a loved one, let alone when you've a brain injury thrown into the mix. You must be exhausted. Like Shirley, I'm wondering whether your boy is badly affected by your Haemorrhage and its after effects. How old is he now m'love ? x
Hes 21.hes always ad aspergers .butthis has stopped him goin anyware.he hears n sees things tht are not there but to him they are real.mental health are in a meeting today to see what help we can get.and thy r sorting counciling out hopefuly that will help.will let u know how it goes x
i was going to ask the same question as cat. although sleeping to order is difficult, eventually your body will get used to going to bed at a certain time.
i used to go to bed at 5/6 in the morning but ive re adjusted my sleep pattern so im ready to go to bed at 11pm and thats with a 2-3 hour snooze in the afternoon, im up at 8-830 in the morning instead of 1pm.
I find myself wondering when your son's mental health problems started.
His being afraid that you will die if you sleep could be a response to your aneurysm.
Have you thought about meditation?
I ask because I know its not sleep but it is a bit of a recharge for you ......and if you could persuade your son to join you knowing that it is not sleep who knows how many benefits it might bring you both.
We are waitng fr help from mental health.which it takes time but they are sorting it rupture was 6 years ago.with the phycosis hes suffering as wat he hears and sees.sometimes tells him if he doesnt do exactly wat its telling him.itl get hes scared 8f i go to sleep.thnkyou everyone in here.for your help.n replys .it makes a big difference to me to be able to write on here.
keep coming in, we re here for you, one big family x
Thnk you c