I am 74 yrs old. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma, non malignant, and an aneurysm, which was too small to burst, of course it did. I had successful coiling. I now need a knee replacement, the anaesthetist wont give me an epidural, and seems reluctant to give me any anaesthetic at all. What are the risks?
Anaesthetic after an aneurysm: I am 74 yrs old.... - Headway
Anaesthetic after an aneurysm

I'd assume that their are risks if the anaesthetist is reluctant but no idea of the risks sorry, I really think you need to clarify with them. There may well be other factors that make it more risky or not?
A neighbour had a knee replacement with an epidural and a sedative. Has that been suggested as a possible alternative to an anaesthetic.
Hi m'dear. There are so many considerations when administering anaesthetic, such as patient's general health history, other medications and allergies........,
Individual needs vary so much that it would be impossible for anyone here to understand your anaesthetist's reasoning. I can't believe it's age-related as my mum-in-law recently had a hip replacement at 93.
Please ask you own GP, or the consultant who arranged for the op, to clearly explain the issues and alternative options.
Good luck & best wishes ; please let us know how you get on. Cat x
Our local hospital (private but used for NHS joint ops), does ALL its knee replacements under epidurals! Maybe you could check with other hospitals regarding their procedures?