So unotop of having a really busy week leaving me so exhausted every single night that I practically collapsed when I get home from work and have had to temporarily relinquish control of my social group up to thankful another member which is hard for me to put trust in someone but it needs doing, early hours of this morning the pressure in my 3 month old boiler goes leaving me with another weekend of no hot water when it is already freezing and I am already back sleeping in my living room as the bedroom is to cold (despite the new back door) to sleep in and my heavy period just added to my week of hell which is probably not helping with having to run around work like a headless chicken trying to keep everything working.
So I am sat in with a combo of about 10 blankets/jumpers/dressing gowns wrapped round me with fluffy socks and slippers on so I dont pick some up but I think it wont work
i am so looking forward to my 2 weeks off work