Hi I’ve posted here previously in despair, in the middle of the night , in darkest hours , no one to talk to and always found kindness here and positivity and hope.
He’s working hard at physio...balance, side steps, ball games, jenga. He feels positive. He has hope for the future.
So must share that now we seem to have more good days than bad days. Today we ve walked 3 k round the park. Drank coffee in the autumn sunshine with friends, laughed, went shopping and life was good. We were happy. We felt normal.
The headaches have nt gone away, the balance is work in progress, the anxiety is getting less. Still need afternoon sleeps . But right now life is good.
Sure we ll continue to have downs, more challenges, but just to say through this group ,educating me, sharing with me ,supporting me/ us and giving us hope , things are really better . One day at a time.
Thankyou 😘😘