Things are hard for us all in many similar and many different ways. Living with a TBI brings wisdom that people without TBIs cant often get their heads around. But as we know TBIs bring a host of unique, often isolating, heart wrenching problems too. I'm struggling tonight with family issues but that is not the reason for my post. I know that on this site many of us have times when we might: feel like we are being torn in to, when the emotional pain of what we are living with and what people may have done to us is so severe that we might feel like drowning in it. Don't !!. if you wont then I wont either !! In the back of my mind is the feeling that not every day will be this bad. The longer I live with TBI the harder it is to believe that though. I am not religious, I don't know what there is after life, if anything. But if life is all we can be sure of then it has to be worth fighting for. Going though the bad days for so long just highlights how valuable the good days are. The more bad days we have the harder it is to believe the good days exist but they do. Just sometimes they can be few and far between. Eventually it will be time to let the good times roll. I'm sure they will be worth working towards/ waiting for. Stay strong through the bad times guys. Look them in the eye and laugh at them- we will be there the next day and the next day etc... the bad days don't have the staying power that we do!
Stay Strong Everyone: Things are hard for us all in... - Headway
Stay Strong Everyone
Sorry you’re going through some tough stuff- thank you so much for a wonderful, supportive post.
Hi Obiwan,
Just what I needed, thank you, im feeling particularly overwhelmed at the moment, and very concious of my own mortality.
The years are racing by me, i cant slow them down, and i doubt ill ever reach peak fitness or health again.
Im waiting, in vain it seems, for the time that my husband promised me in hospital when “ it is all going to change”. Promises made to me when it looked like i wasnt going to survive and he hoped those promises would change the outcome. I doubt that they did but i do remember them and nothing much has changed other than i can do so much less than i could before.
So ive much more frustration, but thats just me, im sure we all have our problems.
We will all continue being strong because that is what we are.
Soldier on through your adversities i certainly will through mine and maybe, just maybe, one day it will all change!!
Take care
Janet x
I was once told ( wish I could remember who by) that life is temporary and today even more so.
It may seem pesemistic but I like to think it is more optimistic. That no matter how bad things are today it is only temporary and hopefully tomorrow may be better.
We all know how fragile life can be yet we also know how strong people can be in overcoming and adapting to what life throws at us.
I am aware that this thinking can be turned around so that the good times are also temporary. I accept this and grab those times and enjoy the life out of them.
Don't get me wrong when I do suffer bleak black moods......What gets me through? The belief they are temporary.
This is by no means an answer to all life problems .....But it's a start.
Hope you can pull yourself through to the good days again.
I expect many of us will be (on top of everything else) feeling a bit flat now that the summer months are at an end and the nights are closing in. But seeing you rallying Obi, despite your issues, and sharing your positivity with us has really lifted my spirits ; thanks m'love !
Hope you're getting the sunshine we have here in the NW...……. Cat x
Much appreciated Cat3. Such words help fortify me as these feelings twist me up inside. Thanks so much.
Cheers Cat, drafting letter to a lawyer now. slow process but have to see it through. this thing has damaged my life for so many years I need to see how much I truly have a family and how much I am just here to be manipulated and stolen from. Fingers crossed.
Good luck with it all Obiwan - thinking of you. You have a tough road ahead so remember every now and then to take a little bit of time out for you. Clare x
Thanks I feel like I have been on this road to the truth for so long that I cant stop. Its engrained in me now. Terrified that I will lose even more including this wonderful woman I have found to spend my life with. But having had those I trusted above logic when they lied because I loved them and because being so ill and anxious I couldn't trust myself at times when things were stirring me in the face and having begged and threatened them to get my bank details for so long even though I loved them too much to get the police involved and depended on them so much now I have to do this. Trusting my mum turned part of my life into a nightmare. I have to bring this all to day light, I just have to. Thanks for listening to my rant.

It's shocking when you realise that many people don't operate on the same principles as you.
I've met some people who think "If I was a nice person no one would have done that to me", whilst the truth is they didn't deserve you.
It seems that you have reached that point, that shows how strong you've become.
Good luck
Thanks Sealiphone. our words mean a lot.