A few months ago I passed my driving assessment but I'm still anxious about getting behind the wheel. Has anyone else been in a similar position and do you have any tips for dealing with the anxiety? Would some lessons be recommended?
A few months ago I passed my driving assessment but I'm still anxious about getting behind the wheel. Has anyone else been in a similar position and do you have any tips for dealing with the anxiety? Would some lessons be recommended?
I couldn't wait to get back behind the wheel, partly as I had problems with discomfort when walking (and I'm a seriously anxious passenger). But if you're apprehensive Neil maybe stick to quieter roads at first and have another insured driver beside you for encouragement and support. Possibly knowing there's someone to take over if necessary will restore your confidence...……..? x
I was terribly anxious about my driving. I felt like a learner with no confidence. So to get my brain used to it, I would just drive a few miles each day, away from traffic and usually with my husband to watch my driving. After a several months I slowly felt more confident and safer. And now I am quite perky and more like I was before SAH. However, I still have watch my concentration and NOT let my mind wonder. I know longer listen to radio while driving. I just watch what I am doing very carefully. Just take your time. Good luck!
Hi, how long did it take the DVLA to arrange the driving assessment? I have declared my brain injury and being now partially sighted. Now waiting for the next stage. Can you tell me what’s involved in the assessment? I’m really keen to get back on the road but just want to know what hoops I have to go through in order to get my licence back. Thanks, Chris