has anyone learnt to drive after head injury with double vision and a tempramental brain ??? never wanted to drive before but now id quite like to (obviously) but dont know at what stage this is even an option ???
driving after brain injury: has anyone learnt to... - Headway
driving after brain injury

so long as you havn't lost of consciousness for over a year and do not suffer from fits and able to wear a patch over your eye, i dont see why you cant apply to drive .. you will need a recomedation off your GP and DVLA must be notified about your injuries where they will write to your GP anyway !
after my operation in 2007 I had to wait 6 months without any black outs abseces seazures. As I had parcial blurred vision in one eye, I had to have a field vision test. It's easier if you only have one eye that one good and a dodgy one.
I find it easier driving than walking, as when driving I can use the mirrors to give me all round vision, I do need to take more care parking and with 'nutters' on the motorway.
I needed a letter from my GP and optician. My advice would be to speak to your optician as they are very good at advising on this area.
The eye patch seems like a good idea to me. One peice of advice is KEEP copies of all letters and transcripts of any conversations to the DVLA as they have a shambles of a system where they loose letters records the lot. After I went through all of the above and got my licence back the DVLA wrote to me telling me that I did not have a licence. I wrote back with photoe copies of all correspondance and they then retracted their comment that I did not have a licence.
Good Luck

Hi sparkle83,
Great to hear from someone who's been through this situation above - as usual excellent information there from our members.
Just to let you know there is some information and good external links on our website at headway.org.uk/Driving.aspx
We also produce a booklet 'Driving after brain injury' that you might find helpful. It explains some of the support that is available, including mobility centres that can offer assessments and advice once issues such as the double vision have been addressed. Please send us a private message with your name and address and we can post this out to you.
Best wishes,
Same here brighton88. Our headway group was great for socialising and doing art courses but not giving information out! I think it would be helpful if there was someone who could have said 'we have a leaflet for that!' I did the tests through astley ainsley and the is on in Glasgow so if you want to drive again Andrew then that is a great place to go. I was very angry with them first time i went because my license was not valid due to my sight but i didnt know that, i had been driving around till i had another bump and the neuro found out and read the riot act. I got it back but it took a long time. I have written 3 cars off in 9 yrs. Yes it is difficult! I try not to drive in the dark because its really hard with depth in the dark. and i dont drive when im tired because i cant concentrate, good luck to you.
definatley a good lan / objective as you not driven before your inhjury you wont have had a licence to surrender as i did but the process with dvla fairly simple gp agreement to drive through nhs arrange lessons about 6 will do then a test i had an assessment if ass watch your life transform uk mobility is excellent a deosit for the car you will lose approx £250 / mth from your disibilty benefits all the costra that are yours are fuel and oil the cat=r is serviced when needed free tax insurance windcreen and rac cover the blue badge will cost you mine with kent county council £20 good luck a decent start is the dvla who send you a list of approved teachers and motor dealers in your area neil
I had a serve brain injury in 2005 to be told that I lost 40% of my memory , my licence was taken away until I was able to drive again , now I pushed myself constantly and I did drive again , it takes time and patients but u will get there just don't give up !! Be strong and push yourself and you will get there
Been driving 30 years without accidents got 3 points many years ago for being over speed limit didn't realise they had changed speed limit on the road was doing 36 in a thirty this was before the speed awareness courses