I have had a situation where I have unwittingly upset a friend. She sent me a text asking me to get directions in with other stuff. I skimmed over the text and missed her request. Anyway I was able to meet this in part but we ended up in the wrong place. She was not best pleased with me. I get that, she was so annoyed I had to leave her and make my own way home - my choice as I don't know her well enough to know how to manage this situation and I felt uncomfortable for her to drive me home.
The standard information gave one address, the event we were going to to was not there.
Anyway the on-line flyer for the event was awful to read for me; the background was red, red lettering, white writing on black ground info bits and busy. Not an easy read for me to pick out the information, even when it gave a venue change highlight, even in the cold light of "what happened there?" A combination of being tired after working all day, she text me an hour before we went out, my phone gave directions but the event info was confusing and then hard to read. My head did not like this.i am not sure that with more notice to get the directions I would not have made the same mistake
The friendship is probably gone for good, as I handled the whole thing badly from not screening her text properly, to not reading the event info properly to leaving her when she was fuming. I am writing this not for sympathy but to see what happened in my head, and if any of this belongs there in part.
I will be sure in future to get agreement to destination details by talking, and who is doing what