So I started watching the Manchester bombing documentary and one of the girls who's brother had died in the bombing said she was going to university before and now she is working in one of the headway charity shops and has given up on university
Manchester bombing documentary: So I started... - Headway
Manchester bombing documentary

so sad the effects of such things. Maybe time will help people to move on from such trauma.
I vehemently disagree with your wording of the above post. I do not agree that anyone 'died', I know that the victims were killed by a fantasist or fanatic who thought he was doing the right thing by killing teenagers and their families at a pop concert. As a Mancunian, my point of view may appear a little skewed but I believe that murder is murder and the victims of murder do not 'die' they are killed in violent and horrible ways (in this case) - I will see you later to discuss this further at the city farm if you want. My second point is that the poor girl has already had her brother killed and now has given up on university - I understand if the idea of attending university is too stressful or if the thought of being away from home fills her with dread but as I haven't watched it (yet) I don't know why she quit.
Fair enough - was the documentary from the BEEB by any chance? - its just so I know who to write the letter to & which catch up thing to watch it on.
Headway is important if it's have the right people. People read E-mail like a message. Face to face meeting is important. ☺