Hi, I only posted a few days ago about how hard it can be looking after my dad with hypoxic brain injury, and although he's improving very very slowly over the last 14 months, and his aggression is not as bad, he has got worse in other areas.
My dad is paranoid about my mum talking to other men, and has always kind of been the jealous kind even tho he has never had reason to be but the last couple of months is has become worse.
My mum can never ever be left on her own with him, and we always have to stay with her but due to his paranoia, not even my husband is allowed past the door as he hates it if my mum speaks to anybody.
My dad and my husband were best of mates before the brain injury, and now he threatened to punch him the other day, now my husband can't visit me while I'm looking after my dad
It's not just my husband, it's any man at all, and literally no man is allowed to step over the door.
An old friend of my dads has just called who my dad has always loved, and my poor mum kept her head down the whole time scared to make eye contact. Feel so sorry for her, as she's so scared all the time, and at least we get a chance to go home and get away from it all, but my mum doesn't.
Even if she goes shopping she is so nervous and phoned up panicking incase it sets him off thinking she's with another man. Can't even imagine how bad it must feel. He shouts her constantly all day and she literally has to drop whatever she is doing and run to him or that starts him off too.
I know she loves him a lot, but she literally looks like she's aged 10 years and looks like she's on the verge of a breakdown. Feel guilty literally spurting out my mum and dads private life, but cant imagine how hard it is for my mum.
She is sad because she has lost what she had with my dad before the brain injury, and I know she wouldn't have him anywhere than at home, but it's hard to see her scared 😳