Hi all, my son increased his dosage of amitriptyline to 50 mg last night ( has to increase by 10 mg every 5/7 days as part of his management plan) . He was experiencing hallucinations. Has anyone else experienced this? I have told him he should carry on with his meds and see how he goes, obviously if it carries on we will see a doc. thanks
hallucinations ......side effect of medication? - Headway
hallucinations ......side effect of medication?

Hi I think I read that this was a side effect but you should seek medical advice if it happens, if I were you I'd tell him to drop back down to your he previous dosage and see his GP as soon as you can ,.
My GP told me to only increase the dose every two weeks, I'm only on 30 mg and I've been taking it 5 weeks now. And I can tell the difference every time it changes x
hi my friend my friend took amitriptyline for a while and she started sleep walking her husband was scared she d be oblivious to it but tell me what her partner said she was doing but she was on 250mg a night my friend think that's highest . which is a lot more . but I take 50mg but im 50
my advice my friend look into it and if he has 1 more seek help or let doctor or consultant no asap my friend just to be safe id let them no today . eddie all the best
I'd seek medical advice asap and keep an eye on him in between.
I'm only taking 10mg of this.
My other meds were reduced recently and certainly had major vivid dreams which I found disturbing....but never hallucinations.
Take care
it is w,hen going higher,weird dreams to all increase as you get to 50 reason I was OK on 10 its going up in doses that create the side effects worse.thats one of the most normal side effects if taken to relax brain an nerves like me as the more I went up the scarier,it got.If its freaking him out I advise not to go up anymore until you speak to gp;or specialist as I never I continued an then as I sa effected my heart rate as nightmares an hallucinations,freaked me out until I didn't know what was real an what wasn't k,so be careful k as it can flip that quick I would go back to 10 until I saw a person who [put him on them .(also after 50 an to 150 its a antidepressant,so he shouldn't go more than 50 for nerve damage an stuff.gebepentin,does that too;so no need for amit rip it line now as was on both,swapped the amitriptiline,as my heart was either racing or missing beats so it was down to amitriptiline,they said.
Hi Joben,
I personally, and a lot of other people, do not trust modern medicine or the docs who prescribe these meds.
I bet your son would be better off without these meds.
Do some investigating on the net. Look into Big Pharma. Natural medication is the way, not man-made crap.
thanks matt, he has tried yoga and a chiropractor and other things. They only worked temporarily . He stuck with the chiropractor for months as what she told him did seem to make sense, she adjusted his jaw during one session and he said he never experienced pain like it but the relief was instant ! I don't trust some doctors either- they have already balls'ed up his medication once.
amitriptyline is one of the older drugs that is a anti depressants but is used for pain relief it's a bit of a sledgehammer!
I've googled it and its used for such a vast range of symptoms and medical issues isn't it .
Lot of drugs are, oddly or not I guess more you think about it! I was on it for a while after coming out of hospital I'm told it did its job i.e. To manage pain though only a night for me.
Nurses did warn my wife that due to its uses it's a bit scary if you google it! Gives folks the get up and go if people are suicidal to well do it sadly, is one of the saddest connections to it.
Docs/local GPs years ago may have been pretty good. My previous GP (who has now retired) was good and quite a caring person, he is the person who diagnosed my first brain tumour.
But docs these days are getting worse and worse. It is how the system works. Life in general has got worse and worse with a lot of things, not just with health.
I look into more conspiracies these days and more into alternative/independent media and not the mainstream media as that is where you will hear a lot of lies. If you don't already know, America is in a right state right now and freedom isn't much of an option for most Americans.
UK is not far behind with the police state/martial law. I and my family are going to see a show at the theatre next weekend and I have just read through an email of the important information I should be aware of such as no cameras, no bags taken into theatre, no food and drink and so on. It's absolutely ridiculous and it is an example of how UK is becoming a police state. People can believe that or not but I think you will find I am right. Mark my words, there will be police/military on the streets more often soon enough. We already have so many CCTV cameras out everywhere. No one is free or safe.
totally agree with you Matt. Thing is people go to the doctors now over the slightest thing and the nhs is overstretched to the max .It was once the best health service in the world. Important issues are being missed . I get on my soapbox about it all the time, we lived in germany for quite a number of years and moved back to the uk and it had changed so much- didn't like what we saw. Hence why we moved to australia when my husband got offered work here. Still miss certain things about the uk but here its a better place to bring up my children. Just seen the new advert campaign on the tv this morning for holiday makers if they ever come under a terrorist attack, have you seen it? Its frightening yet sad that we are living in times like this.
Yes, people do go to the doctors over the smallest ailment. They could have a cold or a tickly cough and the panic alarm goes off when they can simply cure the problem with water and ginger or water and lemon or whatever.
Now if corrupt people/politicians did not ruin this world then we would be getting lemons and ginger and many other natural medicines for free!
I do not watch much tv anymore as it is full of absolute rubbish and lies. Again, you or nobody else has to believe a word of thi but most of these terrorist attacks are complete hoaxes. The London attacks, the Manchester attack, attacks in other parts of the world, it's all staged. Me and my mum have seen countless videos on youtube of these attacks where people really analise the situation and can prove that the attacks are fake.
They use crisis actors. It is all done to make money. There is a video of a crisis actor from the Manchester bombing and he is searching for his daughter while filming himself.
Now if you were worried about your daughter you wouldn't be filming yourself.
Plus, the crowd around him are walking past casually as if nothing happened, because nothing actually did happen.
The world we live in today is not to be trusted.
Plus, my nan had been taking medication for a long time and it was switched around at one time. Her breathing then got worse and she went into hospital. She has now passed away thanks to Big Pharma.
Another thing I'll mention, antibiotics. The so called "medicine" that will kill off all kinds of bacteria in the body. The bad ones and the good ones. It kills of bad bacteria which eliminates the virus or what have-you but also eliminates the good bacteria that aid the immune system leaving you prone to more bad bacteria. A good example of this is when I once had pharyngitis, I was told to try antibiotics. I did. The antib's helped but then I contracted thrush on my tongue not long after. What a coincedence I hear you say. No, I don't think so and I know so for sure too.
Similar scenario happened with my dad also.
Avoid antibiotics they are one of Big Pharma's ridiculous creations that do not work so well at all.