so after all the crap here is a positive post well kind of so we have just had permission from the landlord to be able to build a studio providing we raise enough. I am hoping it works out I really want to give back to the village I live in its an amazing place they have done everything for us since my stroke they buy our shopping they come and spend time with me they help with housework its just an awesome community. so heres my justgiving link to try to make it all a reality <3 thankyou to all that has supported me on here I will try to keep happy x
Here we go :): so after all the crap here is a... - Headway
Here we go :)

OK Michelle ; donated............and I can't think of anyone who deserves help more than you do. I've nothing but admiration for you and I'm proud to play a small part in the resurrection of your business.
All best wishes to you and your lovely family ; you're amazing !
With love Cat (Eileen) xxxx
Omg it was you x you had me in tears thankyou so much you have always been an amazing support to me and I am always grateful to whatever advice you give me but this is truly amazing thankyou so much xxx
Just hoping to give it a kickstart. After the way you've persisted in overcoming so many shi**y obstacles in your life I can't praise you enough.
I hope your appeal brings enough rewards to start up again in the business which you created from nothing, all by sheer will.
Your tenacity, whilst struggling with illness & being a mum to your two lovely kids, really deserves to be rewarded m'love !
Hope you're feeling OKish ; noticed you were up last night even later than me. Lots of love xxx
Me too, wish it could have been more best of luck, you'll do it x
Great idea for a very worthy cause, Michelle : )
Here's hoping many more can spare a little to collectively support your new venture ! Angela x