Hi i am new here so thought i had better introduce myself, my daughter was in a car crash and is recovering in rehab, think over the next few weeks months years could do with a bit of advice
Hi: Hi i am new here so thought i had better... - Headway

Hi Laurie welcome as you where to the club.
I do think in many ways it's worse for the family/loved ones.
Welcome to this lovely group Laurie. So sorry to hear about your daughter, it can't be easy, I can't start to imagine how you must be feeling but you have definitely come to the right place to get lots of help and advice, everybody here is more than willing to listen to one another and offer support, so just ask away if you have any questions and also feel free to vent if things are getting on top of you. You'll soon see that we all use this forum for that!
There are quite a mix of people here so there is always somebody that can relate to how you are feeling or your situation. No need to ever feel alone, a problem shared is a problem halved, so they say.
Best wishes to you and your daughter.
Hi Laurie.
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter, I hope she makes a great recovery. I've only been here a little while, following my accident, but I've found the forum to be a fantastic place to meet people who are in similar situations. If I can help in anyway I'll certainly try.
All the best
Hi Laurie and welcome, I'm sorry we meet under these challenging circumstances.
Tell us a bit more about your daughters situation and we'll help where we can.
It's important to realise that the secret to a good outcome is practice, practice, practice. This is what is required to help rewrite your daughters brain. We learn all the way through life just as we did as children, lots of reputation to lay down those pathways of learning and it is this that helps the brain create new pathways to overcome damage done.
As someone who has been through rehab, I consider myself still rehabilitating 5 years on, it is much slower now.
I couldn't walk, I had dyslexia, my fine motor skills were shot, I had the attention span of a guppy, I couldn't remember how to operate a remote control, and it was a good few weeks before my memories could be accessed re ban accounts and PIN numbers etc, nightmares! But I continue to improve now, 5 years on, although they are tiny improvements now. So, ask away and remember not everyone goes into rehab only those that can benefit most, places are limited.
It will be challenging but encourage your daughter to embrace it and utilise all the expertise at her disposal.
Take care
Love Janet x
Hi Laurie, welcome, I'm relatively new and found this site a godsend, there are some very knowledgable people on here and will help if they can. For my part just the fact we're not alone, these people have been there and done that during their recovery. Lots of love and luck your daughter continues with her recovery,xx
Hi Laurie, Welcome. I remember the first days after a loved ones brain injury. Totally scary, exhausting, fearful. Do come on this site whenever you need advice, reassurance, whatever.... there is always someone here who can help.
Wishing you and your daughter lots of luck for her recovery.
Hi Laurie and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear of your daughter's accident ; what an anxious time for all concerned. Please can you tell us some more, i.e. how long ago it happened and the type of injuries your poor girl sustained. Cat x
Hi Laurie
Get a copy of Tina M Sullivan's Nourish your Noggin which is the diet companion to Dr Diane's treatment for PCS if your daughter has post concussion symptoms. I'm not on commission from the author but I mention it a lot on here. You could try some home made smoothies with berries and a bit of tumeric and dried ginger or cinnamon with almond milk or coconut milk and take them to her. Coconut oil (the raw organic type which you can get in some supermarkets eg Tesco and Waitrose) is said to be good. You can put a bit into a smoothie. It has lauric acid which is said to have brain healing properties. She can have 2 squares of pure dark chocolate a day. Avocado is also good. I used the diet tips for my mum. I think they have helped her. The book by Dr Diane is also great : drdiane.com
Headway are really helpful and have booklets. Drop them a mail of call the helpline.
Take care and I hope she improves more.
Hi Laurie I'm so sorry to hear your story but am so glad to hear she is in a rehab centre!! My husband stayed in one for six months and it gave him back his life. He couldn't walk dress wash feed all the basics were gone - he even thought the stuff on TV was real. Please be so positive I can't tell you how important that is. Feel free to ask whatever questions, someone will be able to advise you. Take care of yourself too Xx