Hi guys. I'm new to the site. I'm a mother of a beautiful 19yr old girl who suffered a severe TBI in oct 2011.
Hi: Hi guys. I'm new to the site. I'm a mother of a... - Headway

Welcome aboard
Hi welcome ).
Hi there fantastic
Good that you found us, don't forget there is also a helpline
Hope to see you posting soon.
Best wishes to you and your daughter
Foggy x
Welcome I bet you've all been through the mill glad you've join us.
Hiya. I am the Mother of a son who had a TBI 3 years ago, age 28.
It is a long road and very rocky but we always focus on the rainbow.
Welcome to the site which I find helps one to recognise all the symptoms and have more empathy and understanding.
Hiya. I am the Mother of a son who had a TBI 3 years ago, age 28.
It is a long road and very rocky but we always focus on the rainbow.
Welcome to the site which I find helps one to recognise all the symptoms and have more empathy and understanding.
Hiya mum, what happened to your daughter & instead of just telling me, why don't U just write a brief description in your profile ;o)
Speak soon Xxx
Welcome I hope you find help and support thru the scary and rough stuff as well as sharing a laugh with the funny stuff.
This is a great place to be and you can talk about the things others would bed shocked to hear, here it's everyday life.
Welcome. That's really sad to hear. Brain injuries are bad enough when you have experienced most of what life has to offer, but to be so young, I really feel for you guys!
Hello, I've just joined as well. Hope we can both find support here.
Hi fantastic6, before I forget, it's a lovely photo of you and your daughter!
My boyfriend had a fall nearly eight weeks ago and sustained major head injuries. He's currently in acute rehab waiting to be transferred to more long term rehab. Still very early days but he's getting a little better each day.
Must put my story on the profile as you did!
Your journey has just begun. I hope we can support you. I only wish I had known about this sight years ago. It is so nice to be able to express things to people who understand. I found many of our friends weren't friends at all and when needed the most just walked away. Where as here we are all in the same situation.