Helllo everyone.
Sorry I have been AWAL forb a while.
I have been having what I can only call 'blackouts'for now an that's been about a week I know for sure.
I hAVE an appointment for blood test/balance assessment (at 'The Falls' Clinic and a new head scan bewing. Thanks for advive on this.
Yesterdaty I was a sickly kd (literally every half hour for hours - exhausting.
The black outs have got nore regular and today I found myself 'asleep' styanding with my forehead nudge into the kitchen sink so hard I still have an inentatiion there.
They are happening once every 4/5 hours and I am getting the double vision when it happens, but that's the firstb time I have ben vomiting with iy. I didn't think it was connecte so I didn't mention it earlier but both my ankles are swollen an I have what look like loas flea bites all over my boy. SoSo itchy!
The doible vision is still there a bit as u an tyoing this, sorry for mess hope you understand the gist v ofv it ?
Havent been sick oday but keep wantug to lay down.
My husband says back to GP but I m saying no as I am not seeing a gp just for spots onnthe skin. Anyway, tyhere are alreay bloo tests an things pending - he/she cant so nymore than they are alreay. What do you thin? I have a goo relashionship with this GP practice andwant to keep it that way.
The other thing was mum ! I received the Bran Injury survivors Card ! Ye ha ! thanks for help with this it will be a good help to her. jut thinking, I hope I am not infectious to her ?
Kin regars