The new logo, it's taking off...
A new logo...: The new logo, it's taking off... - Headway
A new logo...

Fab stuff! Seems very apt.
sums it up
I LOVE that !! E. xx
It's all right isn't it, I was quite pleased
A x
The truth now ..................... is it your own creation ? xx
Er, yes?
No, of course not I got someone online to do it, cost me £5
Cheap at 10 times the price. It's really effective in depicting the destruction past, the mayhem present, and the remaining volatility of frustration and impending aggression !!
Talking of mayhem, I just came back from York (countryside not city) earlier today along the M62 ; it's a living hell with pantechnicons racing each other at crazy speeds and veering sideway, as you try to pass them with nowhere to go except the central reservation.
I'm exhausted !
Got my MRI tomorrow. But best of all, on Friday I get my steroid shot, so pain relief at last .................. heaven !!!
Hope everyone's ok. E. xx
Hi, E,
I can imagine the mayhem on the roads, really I can. It was similar when myself and Sharon drove down to Wales a few weeks back, the idiots ruining it for the rest of us.
Hope the MRI goes OK and the steroid shot sorts you out as quickly as possible! Thanks for the nice and fitting words about the logo, I couldn't have put it better myself!
A x
Now thats fantastic Baron.
Im really into logos and the way they are designed as I have my own for my building company and it was redesigned last year. They are most effective when simple and clear like yours above. Love the colours too mine are white, black and orange. Not sure how to post a pic can you help and ill post mine up so you can see it. Have a good day. Nick
very nice! lively like you! the cat in a corset!
Pleasure,Steve the genial hedgehog