Hi all,: I've been put in-touch with Headway through... - Headway


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12 Replies

I've been put in-touch with Headway through my therapist, they then directed me to this forum,

I've had counselling in the past and feel that wasn't suited as i know ive got problems and just want to be listened and diagnosed, my current therapist wants me to look into if anything has came of my accident or weather its just a mental condition - i did see a GP but he just thobbed me off saying its highly unlikely that any further problems would of come from my accident!

I'm going to try and explain this as simple as possible and fill in any gaps if needed with answers to questions.

Basically, i'm 30yrs old and my mood varies dramatically with people around me, i have depression and problems struggling with daily life and at times my anxiety is terrible.

When i was around 15 i was involved with a accident where i was hit off my bicycle this gave me a fractured skull among other things - since the accident my parents said i'm a different person and it's brought on my mood/anger problems etc - apparently after the accident i was uncontrollable!

I do work for a agency, however recently ive really been struggling to cope with getting through the day i.e i did work 3x12hr shifts and i've now brought it down to 2x8hr shifts now i'm struggling with 1!!

(throughout the working day i struggle to focus and get anxious and constantly clock watch - i feel like its a prison sentence :( )

I've recently found out(2 days ago) that my farther could have secondary cancer after surviving prostate cancer so i'm really debating going back to work at all, its not that i don't want to work because i do and always have but i'm just really struggling with everything at the moment and want to be as clear headed and relaxed as possible.



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12 Replies
cat3 profile image

Welcome Luke. Most of us here have problems being taken seriously by none-medical folk because of the invisible nature of brain injury. But some are more invisible than others. Mine, for instance, shows up on a scan as it was a haemorrhage which was fixed by a titanium coil. This, as you'd expect, is visible when viewing the scan.

If your injury didn't bleed, I'm assuming it's invisible even to the doctors, so you'll be struggling even to get a diagnosis. Finding treatment for such a brain injury can be a minefield, but an experienced neuro-therapist can usually unravel the issues from symptoms.

What sort of therapist are you seeing Luke ? x

in reply to cat3

Just one what i got put forwards to from the GP, its the local wellbeing service

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to

OK Luke. I suggest you go back to your GP and ask for a referral to a consultant neurologist who can direct you to the appropriate therapist within his/her practice.

These departments are horribly underfunded and slots have a long waiting time so it could be a few months before you get an appointment.

But I suspect that taking a fresh look at your symptoms, from the beginning, might benefit from some newer thinking than you've encountered during the past 15 years.

You already know what a painfully slow business it is recovering from brain issues, so I don't have to remind you to be patient in looking for some relief for your symptoms.

All best wishes for that light at the end of the tunnel. Cat x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to cat3

PS, forgot to say I hope your dad can recover from his illness. My best friend has just been given the all clear after months of chemo.

Also, I should remind you that, whatever the type of brain injury, there are always lasting after effects such as extreme fatigue, memory issues, headaches, poor balance etc., etc. So if you haven't been properly advised, there's a chance you've been trying to achieve too much since your accident.

Take care. x

Dear Luke,

Sorry you are having such a hard time just now. Cat is really good at helping new members and her advice is invaluable. It takes a while to be seen on the NHS but a neurologist is definitely your best bet.

Use the board however you want- im new and still learning myself but there is a ton of info if you just want to look and a lot of friendly replies if you just want to ask.

Regarding your dad- depending what the secondary cancer is, may impact what you decide to do work wise. Try to give yourself a little breathing space before deciding if you can.

There is a lot of support via the cancer bacup website (cancer uk),Macmillan, Marie curie and also your GP can put you in touch with local services. NHS choices is also good for patient info. Maggie's centres provide free services for patients and their families and carers which include diverse things such as massage, arts classes and talks.

There is wide recognition that family and carers need support at this time too but sometimes the shock is so great you are not sure where to look for it so I'm hoping this might help you and your family.

Thinking of you, Fiona x

peaches2 profile image

Agree with all of the above Luke, it's a long road but you're on the right road now, so hang on in there and believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take care of yourself. xx

pleyland profile image


I'm 56 and having to deal with this with a supportive family.

You are doing well no matter what! Don't beat yourself up.

You can only do your best and I suspect that's exactly what you're doing.

Keep strong and best wishes


Thanks all, Headway did initially tell me to push for to get a consultant neurologist appointment.

It's took me years to realize the problem and want eventually decided enough is enough!

It sickens me everyday when i see people getting this, that and all the rest off the government by constantly producing children just to gain financially and to get free housing and fabricating false claims wasting the NHS resorces and living their "free" lifestyle!

When there is genuine people like myself who doesn't work full time and need the support and help but the government just constantly fails myself, but if i had children or didn't work its all their for the taking!

But i like to have some self respect.

Sorry for the rant!

Candace8 profile image

Counclling however that's spelt,,, pants. What a load of crap. I see a clinical phycologist and that is very different and works a treat but you have to give it time don't give up. Re work can you take some time off without giving up the job. And as for your dad, I'm so sorry. That sounds like it's causing a trauma in your head and rightly so but I think for bi people it's harder. Again it will be very hard to get your head round this so try to take a holiday to give yourself time x

Elenor3 profile image

Hi Luke, welcome and don't give up until you get a firm diagnosis. Sadly there are some GPs who don't have a great awareness of brain injury. Five the Headway Helpline a call, and good luck with your quest for appropriate help. :) Also wishing your father all the best x

SAMBS profile image

Hi Luke, hang in there, I agree with .Cat's and other replie and would add that It's a long hard road, but you still have your "mind" even if your brain has been damaged through whatever cause!

Hold on to the fact that you "know your own mind" but accept and learn from what your brain causes to happen. There's loads of support on here for the good as well as the bad days when frustration takes over. My only other piece of advice would is - please please don't let Doctors load you with prescribed meds, theŷ can also affect the brain via liver toxicity, carried by the bloodstream to the brain. I know that from personal experience. I've stopped all extraneous meds for almost 2 years now except one for my Thyroid, and a monthly dose of liquid Vit D. I don't feel ill but yes there are some health issues, like mŷ BI and a geneticallŷ inherited condition.

Be your own person, long and slow though it maŷ be, I'm 3+ years on now from my Haemorrhage and know myself and my future path much better than I ever did. As you will yourself. Be strong and confident, you made the 1st step by coming on Headway and seeing how we all cope and in what circumstances we offer advice.

We are all individuals, with the same result from different causes, that may need individual and different Aid and info, to help our own recoveries. I'm not medically qualified, but a lot of personal Internet research has opened my eyes and brain to causes and answers. I wish you and yours well, I won't say a "speedy recovery" brain injury recoverŷ or improvement takes time. Try not to stress over it, accept it, also accept what you discover helps you! sambs x

SAMBS profile image

PS - my views are a bit more New Age, than conventional - but whoever got places by being conventional?

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