My 14 yr old daughter Amy is still in a coma but has improved enough because she was moved out of ITU/ICU & onto the children's ward 5 days ago.
The medical staff have told other children, inpatients on the ward that Amy is in a deep sleep that she can't wake up from just yet but will when she's ready to & she might be able to hear what is going on around her.
I have been told by medical staff that some of the children, inpatients have been sat with her reading stories to her when I haven't been on the ward with her. When I have been on the ward with her the same children, inpatients have come up to me & asked me if it's ok to sit with Amy & read to her, which I don't mind at all because it gives me a break.
In 2 days it will be a month since she was knocked down & all I want is for Amy to wake up from her coma.
Laura, Amy's mum