I’ve suddenly come to realise a slightly more accurate gauge to ‘acceptance’ than in my last ramblings on the topic.
Ooh, Topics, do they still make them? I’m partial to a hazelnut.
I’m sitting here at the moment, cat on my knee, television droning away in the background. It's just a normal day really. The broken toe is really quite sore now; my foot is swollen to the size of a small blimp. As ever, I’m blowing my nose like it’s going out of fashion, starting to sweat a little as I’m on the last box of tissues. My throat is blocked too and I’m so hooked on eating Extra Strength Lockets that I’m on the verge of injecting them directly into my bloodstream. I’m a menthol junkie. Soon to be seen in a shop doorway begging for honey flavoured Lemsip.
And Strepsils.
I’m dreading the thought of Christmas and the chaos it brings to my brain damaged world.
I have a headache once again, obviously. It's a default setting.
And yet… I don’t feel the slightest bit sorry for myself. I really couldn’t care less. What will be will be and I can’t change anything, so what’s the point?
Well, I can change one thing. I’m off to put the heating on.