The Brain Damaged Baron And Exercise: Another... - Headway


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The Brain Damaged Baron And Exercise

BaronC profile image
24 Replies

Another chapter...

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BaronC profile image
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24 Replies
angelite profile image

Sorry Andy but vid not playing !

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to angelite

no idea why it's not embeded correctly but linky should work.

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to RogerCMerriman

Well done both ! You must be so thrilled you did the full 20 : )

Today I went round small Sainsbury's ( 15 mins ), walked to sister's ( 20 mins ) and am about to take my girl, Jess round the top end of caravan Park ( 15 mins ). I think it's a case of horses for courses ! : ))

I can still remember what I felt like after doing the 3 peaks in Yorkshire. Come to think of it that's how I feel every day now - life is full of strange coincidences ! : ))

Hope normal service of legs and feet is resumed soon : )

Angela x

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to angelite

It was good fun, I'm suffering for it now though :)

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to angelite

My error, I've fixed it...


angelite profile image
angelite in reply to BaronC

No prob. I 'm wondering if the site has been a bit 'glitchy' as my little red bell up top of the page has not been informing me of replies like it usually does x

RogerCMerriman profile image

I find and found exercise helps loads, hats off for 20 miles walk I couldn't do that!

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to RogerCMerriman

Cheers for linky, Roger : ) x

cat3 profile image

Exercise really does help. I promised to help clear the weeds from my ex/late husband's property so that it has a better chance of selling. It's an enormous extent of garden/patio/spare land/driveway/entrance yard...................but neglected since Geoff died and his wife moved out.

This morning I was stressed as hell 'cause I felt rough & agitated and it was raining and I just didn't want to go, but my son was driving out there to sort out his dad's car so I went along.

I worked like a mule and came home soaking wet and very tired, but strangely invigorated. And I believe there are entities in the rain known as Negative Ions which are responsible for that invigoration !

Not quite as heroic as walking 20 miles though ................... well done both of you !! xx

Kirk5w7 profile image

Sorry, I missed this too, mea culpa.

Well done Andy, I can manage 5, so I'm really impressed.

Janet xxx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Kirk5w7

Missed two? You disappoint me, Janet :)

I'll let you off, just this once, or twice :D

5 is good too, nothing wrong with a nice five mile stroll, we love them

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to Kirk5w7

5 is great Janet : )

I don't really measure my distances, I think more of 'how long' in succession I have walked for without it becoming a chore to be endured rather than a pleasure ! Shorter, with rests between walks works better for me these days - luckily as my dog is older this suits her needs too : ) x

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to angelite

I only know it's 5 because I take the bus into Manchester and walk home along the canal bank and there's signposts along the way :-) . I don't do it often and I'm glad to get home.

A favourite walk is round Hollingworth Lake but we have to drive to that and it can be like Blackpool prom on a sunny day.

Janet x

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to Kirk5w7

I went to Blackpool with Ed the other week - something I did in first time recovery for physio was walk the prom for miles while he fished, so thought I'd try this time. I didn't take my dog as wasn't sure if I would manage well. See, when you have a dog off lead who is part deaf ( bad ear infection years ago left her ear cauliflowered inside so sound can't get through - she is more prone to ear infections now as there is virtually no airflow, bless her ), you have to go up to them and keep them in place while bikes/crowds/other dogs go past/ fishermen are casting, etc ( as they don't hear you shout at distance or have a clue that things are coming up behind them so meander happily around sniffing , oblivious ! ) I'm a lot slower in getting to where my dog is so it is stressful trying to keep it safe for everyone ! I'm glad I didn't do the experiment with her along, as it was really busy and I spent all my time trying not to get in people's way. I'm a slow moving object, sometimes start/stopping if spasms hit, sometimes taking a few sudden tiny steps instead of keeping a steady pace - even I wouldn't want to be stuck walking behind me lol ! Anyway, the busyness and head fatigue of constant vigilance made it stressful, rather than relaxing. At one point a tour de France style slew of fast bikes came hurtling at me, taking up the full width of the path and I had to get on the grass verge quick ! Give me a quiet green space where my dog can be safely off lead and I can trundle/stop/start/stutter as much as I like without being a nuisance to others, any day ! x

bexx87 profile image

I do zumba for a hour, 3 times a week and it helps balance my mental and physical aura after spending all day in work doing mental workout, doing a physical workout feels like sweet relief,

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to bexx87

Nice! If it works for you, it works for you. I walk and that works for me. Whatever helps...

bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to BaronC

I walk to for an hour on my lunch break to get fresh air and away from the chaos of noise in the office as well

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to bexx87

Very wise!

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to bexx87

I love dancing Bex but cannot move too fast due to muscle stiffness/balance. I have been on the lookout for a slower pace of exercise to music: - ideas welcome ! : ) x

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to angelite

Ballroom dance?

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to BaronC

Thanks Andy. That is slower paced but I wonder if the moving in circles would be okay or just knock me a bit sick and if I would be dragging my partner over without my stick ! Lots of footwork to remember etc. I can dance on the spot for a while with support. We used to go to the 'Blitz' nightclub that played all 60's/70's/80's stuff - we loved it ! I would still be going but the fact that I'd be turning up avec stick would be seen as bizarre ? I don't feel embarrassed at my local but then they all knew me before the relapse so don't stare or judge ! I haven't been to a ska night ( my great love ) since the relapse and stick resumption and really miss them ! I did have a dance to the band on my local park on Gala Day last weekend - right at the end when everyone else was too drunk to care or stare ! : )) x

bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to angelite

Zumba you can be any speed and age we have 60 years do it really slow

angelite profile image
angelite in reply to bexx87

Thanks Bex ! I shall have to look into this : ) x

Kirk5w7 profile image
Kirk5w7 in reply to angelite

Hi Angela I do Tai Chi onc a week, nice and sedate, helps my balance I can't cope with noisy music, ear plugs help a little but only for so long.

Janet x

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