Today's episode...
The Brain Damaged Baron And Sleep: Today's episode... - Headway
The Brain Damaged Baron And Sleep

Oh no first again, I put it down to ESP !
Piriton does it for me, just a quarter of a pill a night, and my sinuses are a lot clearer too, bonus xxx
Love Janet x
Isn't that a hay fever remedy?
Sorry Andy, I'd navigated away and then had trouble getting back in. Yes it is but it makes you drowsy, GP is ok with me using it, and I do cut them down although he said, why bother. I just don't like self medicating though.
It can still take me a while to get to sleep but once asleep I don't wake, but if I do I can drop back off quite quickly xx
I miss being able to sleep, but thank goodness for the radio - my new best friend. Thank you for yet another interesting post - loving the hat
I think like yours my body clock is fairly fubared had no jet lag, exausted by the whole experience of flying but my body clock didn't seem to matter.
I can't sleep on a plane, I once flew eight hours to Barbados, over night. Not a wink of sleep, nothing. I arrived, exhausted, still no sleep, nope. Forty winks? One sodding wink would have done.
Like Janet, I take an antihistamine, but with the addition of a sleeping tablet, a BP tablet and a couple of Codeine.
But it's still a gamble, and I have to use a simple ploy to keep the intrusive stuff at sounds mindless, but that's the whole point, it bores me to sleep.
I recite 'If' over and over inside my head. (Remember 'If' ?) It exercises my short-term memory and, because it's so familiar, it doesn't keep me awake. And, being a longish poem, it does require all the mental effort I can muster so no room for dross !
It might take 3 or 4 recitals but there's something comforting about taking control of your thoughts with something straightforward & unproblematic.
So using a long poem, try this simple but effective technique which could eliminate Calgon jingles forever ................................................. don't scoff !! xx
If you can keep your head ............................................
Start watching stuff with no calgon
Like at work I could sleep but as soon as I get home I'm wired and counting the hours to the nxt shift when trying to sleep.
Wired and tired no calgon included(**,)
Yes, I sympathise with you, tired all day, go to bed, and lay there with ear plugs and eye mask on. I know I have locked the front door, the back door and conversatory door, but I lay there thinking oh I can hear a noise, and mind goes into overdrive , and think a man has broken in and about to attack me. It is a game of peeping under my eye mask, and popping downstairs to check, and if the weather is warm , another level of anxiety , do I leave my bedroom window open??😵. Perhaps I should take a packet of Calgon to bed, an open packet at that , and throw it at him.
I am going to try I think Janet or Cat's suggestion, a bath, a milky drink and no tv or computer. Hope you do have 💤💤💤 , as it makes the day more bearable. Have you tried herbal remedy?
I shut down several times a day, what causes it is a bit of a mystery. However, whilst I am out of it I have some weird short dreams . They aren't frightening, strange or anything weird but they are just on a completely random train of thought.
When I saw a NeuroPsych many years ago they asked me if I was really rich (£1m+) what would life be like ? After giving it a few minutes thought I realised all the stressors that impact life - jobs or lack of dealing with benefits, juggling bills and money, fighting for treatment etc. Then I remembered a story from a Lottery winner, when asked what was the first thing you did after winning - "have a good nights sleep"
So with ample money we wouldn't have to worry about maintaining our career or dealing with the benefits people, making sure that bills are paid and you could even get access to best treatment in the country when you want by going private. You could even pay a housekeeper to look after the house and keep the Calgon topped up!
For me it is an interesting thought what would a financially sound TBI recovery look like compared to one where finances are a struggle? After all it is often said that one of the best things for a BI recovery is rest and sleep.Knowing that there is no rush to "get back on the horse" and that your family and home will be secure in the meantime would be so reassuring.
Not saying that your sleep is down to finances but hope your Lotto numbers come up soon
Our Lotto numbers did come up. We got five numbers three years ago and won £2000. We were one number away (we had 25, the bonus ball was 26) from a quarter of a million. But do you know, that two grand was worth a million pounds to us at the time. It enabled us to move in together, get wed, go on a honeymoon, it sorted all of that in one swoop.
Still couldn't sleep
Thank you From someone who rose at 3:30. a.m. this morning and is now acting like someone who's the worse for wear (without the benefit of alcohol) - and has had quite enough of not just this day, but this year
Thank you. So good to have a post out there explaining what it's like. Long live your washing machine