My dad, does not want to be my mums carer anymore. He is Ill physically and mentally and after 12 years of give give give and no help from anyone other than myself, he wants to leave and have some happy years with a new companion before he dies.
He has had no help from social services, mental units, brain injury units or his GP. Everything just gets passed on to someone else and then always ends up back at the GP having got nowhere.
he asked the GP what would happen if he walked away and the GP said he has a legal obligation to stay or there could be prosecutions involved - but he didn't know what. Does anyone know anything about this?
Surely he could not be prosecuted for leaving? He did not ask for any of this, it is not his fault and he has tried so hard for so long to make it work, has been open with all the services asking for help but being refused.....and yet if he walked away they might suddenly take notice only to charge him with something?!
He has spoken to headway a number of times and while they are always very lovely and understanding, they too do not have any answers either.
Can anyone help?