I came across this post on a site from my facebook page and had to share as it says it all;0)
This just about sums it up for brain injuries of a... - Headway
This just about sums it up for brain injuries of any kind

My daughter sent me this a couple of weeks ago Mandy ; she obviously 'gets' the bi situation ! Hope you're still kicking some ass. xx
Somebody else posted this on here some while back. I also thought it was a very good summery of the brain before and after and have it downloaded.
So true. An invisible disability in many ways, but definitely a disability. Incidentally, if anyone out there is applying for jobs and filling out those (endless and exhausting) forms, do you put yes or no for the question `do you consider yourself to have a disability?`

I'd put a big positive YES! In fact I did and have been working for 2.5 years now
Very good! Thanks 😀
It really does say it all. Thank you for sharing it
'After brain injury' is not a permanent state of being, some people begin to exhibit behaviours and skills listed on 'before brain injury' side although we can never go back, just like you can never go back to before being married - life moves forward - what you focus on you get more of
Thanks, I will be sharing this on my facebook page although it may inform a few of my friends I expect that many will still think my poor memory is just an age thing but I am only 52!
Very true the image is.
It says in the 'before' half "Good memory". I'm glad it doesn't say "poor memory" in the 'after' area because although BIs do affect some people's memory, it doesn't affect all people.
I feel my memory hasn't been affected largely. I actually remember more things than able bodied people do at times.
I am a service user mentor/volunteer at my Headway group on a Friday morning and I make drinks for everyone. I usually memorise what everyones order is :).
Thanks for sharing :).