Angelite This is a photo of my treasured Hanging Basket from last year. Every plant was grown from seed. I nearly cried when it died off
Re: Ever had one of those days: Angelite This is a... - Headway
Re: Ever had one of those days

Wow, that's a stunner ! A real tonic for the eyes : ) No wonder you are having trouble lifting them ! I like that you grow from seed- you have more dedication than I !
Maybe you could design an Autumn/ Winter interest plant collection so you have something for all seasons ? x
Angelite I have tried that for the last 2 years and the winter one's failed miserably. I have always loved gardening but never had the time. Now I have all the time in the world,but I quickly tire these days. I have turned my attention to perennial plants now. Patience is the key because it usually takes about 2 years for them to establish themselves. Last year I also grew Potatoes, Tomatoes and Strawberries all in pots or grow bags I got quite a yield. My garden isn't very big.
Shame the Winter plants didn't work out, Jim.I know exactly what you mean by tiring quickly ! I have a long thin garden and have put flags down in between the large shrubs along my border and have various pots-I find this easier to weed and care for : ) I also grow veg in pots : toms,cucumber,strawbs and herbs.Nothing like the taste and satisfaction of home grown produce is there ? : ) x
It looks lovely and so colourful and cheerful! Will you do it this year too?
Will you be growing strawberries, Strawberry ? : ))
Yes. I grew some last year and they were amazing but I didn't get that many fruits and the ones I did get my Mum ate them!!
Hi Angelite
Pre BI I would have been answering with a most definite YES! My garden was a great delight to me and I got a lot of pleaseure developing it and tending it. I knew all the plant names and would spend lots of time mooching around gardens and garden centres. Enter BI and that's all changed! I now struggle to manage even had basic of mowing the lawn and the rest of it is running rampant! I can't recall plant names now as well. If I do muster rare motivation to have a go I very quickly become fatigued and then I start to stumble and fall. A couple of weeks ago I freaked my son out when I went to the garage to get a different tool and ended up splat on the floor when I lost my balance. It saddens me to see the state of my garden now.
Hi Jim,
Wow! What else can be said! I love flower baskets and well kept gardens they're beautiful, now all I've got to do is find someone to do mine Do you live anywhere close to Somerset?
As said by Angelite, it's no surprise you struggled lifting it down. I like the dea of haning it in front of the window so the beauty can be enjoyed from inside as well. Most baskets I see are on plain wall which is fine for passers by or when you can get outside but how you have yours is brilliant.
Hope the rst has helped recovery.
Take care
Think of it this way Jimbo..................if they didn't die off you wouldn't have the pleasure of nurturing another creation to replace it.
I do empathise though ; we do attach special value to plants we've grown from seed. xx
Thanks cat I know they will eventually die, but if this doesn't sound daft, weird etc but like Pets you get attached to them. But thinking about it they are my Children