One last Doh! of 2015.: From birth most males have... - Headway


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One last Doh! of 2015.

sospan profile image
27 Replies

From birth most males have this genetic problem - dressing. You know that fundamental thing getting socks to match and little thing that maybe a clean t-shirt would be a good idea? Some blokes even without a head injury seem to have issues with matching and the frequency of rotating clean and dirty.

So since my injury my wife has put clean clothes out for me each morning. which I change after a shower. Relatively simple, you would think except yesterday when I couldn't find my underwear , my wife did give them to me but put them down and couldn't find them. Hunted all over them couldn't find them. I got an another pair and continued the day and forgot ( :-) ) all about the earlier loss.

Just before midnight my teenage son asked my wife what was going on yesterday as when he opened the cutlery drawer there was a pair of my underwear in there.

Ok, our bathroom is downstairs and I have to go through the kitchen to the bathroom but how the cutlery drawer came into the equation I have no idea :-)

Have a happy new year

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sospan profile image
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27 Replies
paxo05 profile image

Hi sospan.

I know the feeling well....I seem to have a habit of putting my car keys safely the fridge.

Why ? How should I know I've a crap memory.


sospan profile image
sospan in reply to paxo05

Memory is so strange. It is so funny sometimes when the wife has forgotten something herself and turns to me and says "do you remember what I did with ........" and then trails off when I shrug my shoulders before she has even finished :-)

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to sospan

Just had a laugh whilst driving down the coast earlier my wife has congratulated herself on remembering past holidays and days out before me.

I turned to her and reminded her of the competitor she

I sort of stole her thunder a little.


sospan profile image
sospan in reply to paxo05


Kirk5w7 profile image

Welcome to our house, ok maybe I don't put underwear in the cutlery drawer but I never seem to be able to put things in he same place twice. I have set places to keep the important things like keys, purse, phone etc so that I don't leave the house without them, until, I don't put them in those set places!

Cue, the frantic search trying to work out what my brain might have thought today's safe place might be. The rich tapestry of life with the new me!, aargh! We can but laugh, except those chuckles are a bit hollow at times. Oh! For normality or something akin to it😀

I'm sure 2016 will be as interesting as 2015, just don't lose the sense of humour.

Janet xxxx

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to Kirk5w7

That's it you have to see the humour in it otherwise we all would be curled up in a ball in the corner.

And we all know 2016 will be much the same :-)

razyheath43 profile image

lol! now you can eat dinner in youre pants!

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to razyheath43

Ah, a new goal for 2016!

First, better buy some curtains .....

razyheath43 profile image

glad to help goal set,at least the sales are on you can bargin curtains!

randomphantoms profile image

My best guess is one of two things.......

Either you were already thinking ahead to a lovely breakfast and couldn't wait to get at the cutlery........

Or the notorious safe place. Isn't it strange that as soon as we put something somewhere safe its as if our brains take us literally and put all knowledge of it into a safe....forgetting to give us the combination.

Love n hugs


cat3 profile image

Decided to make belated mince pies on Wed night but remembered I'd no butter (only use butter for pastry-making). Off to Tesco for butter..........back home........prepared surface for rolling pastry and dug out mixing bowl but not enough flour.

Thurs Tesco for flour then home & made pastry. Prepared surface again but couldn't find pastry cutters. Searched whole kitchen and cellar then compromised with one medium & one small glass.

Couldn't find muffin trays anywhere so wrapped pastry in foil & put in fridge & gave up again for time being.

Found trays at 2am !! today and completed the mammoth task then back to bed for few hours sleep. Now enjoying a couple of very nice mince pies with cuppa at long last.

Bet you wish you were me. :O :D xx

malalatete profile image
malalatete in reply to cat3

Ooh I do Cat. Ate all my mince pies last week. Got a real hankering for some more....but am out of lard. Don't do all butter pastry like you - only a novice at this lark and find it sets like rock....

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to malalatete

I have to say Mal, that no one made chips or mince pies quite as tasty as my mum, and she always used lard.

I don't think the method's all that important so long as the finished article is pleasing ! xx

malalatete profile image

I once pulled a lacy thong out in Boots much to the embarrassment of my OH. I had pulled them off the line one morning, then dropped them, stuffed them in my coat pocket where they stayed until I went hunting for my purse in the shop a few days later.

I thought it was really funny. OH was a very strange was the shop assistant. S'only misplaced knickers, guys.....

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to malalatete

Ok you beat me ;-)

malalatete profile image

I did misplace half an onion in the cutlery drawer once for an few hours. We worked out what the smell was come teatime. It's that socks in the fridge brain fog thing.... endless entertainment!

MXman profile image

Ha ha ha love this thread. Its not only me then with the memory problems. Just lately iv been forgetting if I locked up the house or not. Leave the house and lock up then get down the road and convince my self I haven't then go back to find I have locked the house. Get this a lot where I seriously think iv not done something iv done and have to double check stuff.

Not sure if its old age or my Bi although memory was pretty good before May.

randomphantoms profile image
randomphantoms in reply to MXman

I think for some of us where memory isn't permanently damaged it can be a phase.

My big phase was after having left a lit gas ring on all night. This was followed by a very tricky phase of my hubby following my every move and my having to check everything 2 or 3 times until I could convince myself or hubby was convinced that it was done. Oh how I wanted to throttle him!

Eventually between him and the OT they managed to convince me that he was just looking out for me.

Still need to do it on the rare occasions when I try to work with 2 ideas/tasks at the same time.



Nutkin33 profile image

He he!

You must have had a good chuckle! For a change, it wasn't you doing strange things!

It just shows, it's not only us who do those things!


Michael_e profile image

Happy New Year!! :D

Matt2584 profile image

Hi Sospan,

Next, he might find the kettle in the fridge :).

I normally make a coffee for me and my parents in the evenings.

I would wait for the water to boil, put water in cup/s, put kettle back on the stand and then proceed to get milk out of fridge.

But, if one day I wasn't quite paying attention to what I was doing or I as tired, I could end up skipping a step or two and put the kettle in the fridge,

Normally after you start boiling the water, you get the cups you need and put the coffee/tea/sugar in.

On some occaisions I get the cups out, boil the water and forget about filling the cups :).

Take care,


sospan profile image
sospan in reply to Matt2584

Getting and consuming drinks used to be a real pain in the early stages

I would be sat in my chair and think "I am thirsty", go off an make a drink bring it back and put it beside me, sit down and resume what I was doing. A short while later I would think, "I am thirsty" go off and make a drink and bring it back and put it next to the other one and resume what I was doing .... and so it would continue.

People would come in and think i had been having a party

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to sospan

I have a couple of times mad a drink, carried on using my ipad and completely forgot about my drink.

Once I realise that I had forgotten about it, the coffee is usually warm/cool.

aqua4 profile image

Hi Sos, These all made me smile. Its like " oh I do that, and that and that!

Good job I like tea too. Now odd when I only make 1 cup! K

Jembly profile image

Greetings sospan

I have only just read this and gave mysel a little chuckle

Often in our house I put things down and then cannot find where I put them and in my search even cover these items up further. At other times find what I am looking for when I have given up and doing something else, ok I hear people say we all do it but as often as me Y think?

Like yourself suffered with a headinjury but even I question myself sometimes!

Happy New Year


RogerCMerriman profile image

Got to admit I loved this story, like most I put things down in odd places and so on.

sanju_littu profile image


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