I like the sounds of the white willow bark.
I like the sounds of the white willow bark.
Isn't white willow bark where Asprin came from?
"The active ingredient in aspirin, acetyl salicylic acid, is a synthetic derivative of a compound, salicin, which occurs naturally in plants, notably the willow tree."
I would rather try out the white willow bark rather than a synthetic derivative.
Unless your in pain? Why would you want white willow bark? As some one who has a cynical and questioning mind, I'd be wary about that site, which has quite a agenda it's pushing, and be sure your getting advice and not just opinion dressed up as fact.
Don't get me wrong there has been a rediscovery of the orginal herbal remedies in the last decade or more, plus since these are drugs if folks take other medication they can interact, which generally isn't a good thing.
be wary about the natural news website? But from what I know, there website is really good. Better than mainstream news, which lie a lot.
i agree magazine sites often have dubious claims.
But natural news sets a low bar, it is against vaccinations, and such, attempting to justify some intresting claims by linking to like minded sites.
It dresses up opinion as fact, using others opinions to bolster it's claims.
i'd be very very careful of the site, it's politics dressed up as health advice.
It is against vaccinations but the author of the website, the health ranger Mike Adams, is mainly talking about vaccinations in America.
Vaccines sound potentially dangerous in US. UK handles things a little differently, I think. I usually get a flu jab every year around October but I now prepare myself with vitamins and other natural products.
That is referring to vaccines though, when it talks about health foods, superfoods, this refers to everywhere in the world.
And it isn't just magazines that site dubious claims but newspapers, news on TV. I'm not saying every word writte/spoken is a lie but the news do make a mountain out of a molehill at times, especially with weather.
I've never really been much of a fan of the news, hearing about deaths or bad weather that is supposed to hit us but doesn't.
I know I shared a news website but that is not mainstream news.
have you ever googled Mike Adam's?
wikipedia are less than complementary
This is a man who has called for the killing of journalist and scientists who had some connection real or otherwise to Genetically modified organism, his words
"that it is the moral right — and even the obligation — of human beings everywhere to actively plan and carry out the killing of those engaged in heinous crimes against humanity"
His title "the health ranger" is one he's given him self, he and his various sites are mostly conspiracy.
He doesn't believe that AID's is caused by HIV virus,
He doesn't believe that the 9/11 was caused by Al-Qaeda.
He used sockpuppet accounts to attempt to alter voting in his favour for the Shorty Awards.
And clearly plenty more, again Matt I urge you to look at Mike Adams and his sites, this is a not a nice man, nor one you should take any thing at face value.
I hadn't Googled Mike Adams before but the link you shared was the first I really read about Mike Adams.
I am quite a simple-minded fellow at times and don't really know a lot about what is going on in the world, and probably wouldn't really want to know a great deal. I know somebody, from my local Headway, who seems to know quite a lot about conspiracies and natural health and so on. To her, it is all linked to the Illuminati, N.W.O. I'm guessing you know of them.
Another friend of mine has rated the Natural news website too.
It sounds to me, is there an NWO/illuminati or is there not? It all sounds brain washinag to me either way.
I have listened to my friends about this "NWO" and I wouldn't say I completely believe in it, and I wouldn't say I don't believe it. But I am more aware of it I suppose.
If the world got worse and worse, I would know why or have an idea why.
I agree Roger. I use some herbal remedies, but you need to be careful of contraindications. Also white willow bark would have a blood thinning affect, which I would of thought was very risky for anyone who has suffered a bleed on the brain?
"Do you know what they call alternative medicin that has been shown to work? Medicin."
Not all alternative medicine works though or does work but very slowly. People could use cough sweets/medicine to get rid of a cough and it might take some time to get rid of completely. I would rather go down the natural route and have a ginger and turmeric tea. That'll get rid of the cough in a day or couple of days. Plus, no additional chemicals that could be potentially dangerous to your health.