What a horrible winter. Cold affects my head in ways that mean I feel like I have a flu, hangover and drunk at the same time. I had a chest infection in February that lasted a whole month. Scotland in winter with head trauma are not the best combination. The company I work with has an office in Barcelona so an opportunity not to pass up I booked a Ryanair flight, let go of various commitments, packed a couple of suitcases and last week come out here. What a difference the heat makes, yes it's uncomfortable to be sticky and sweats all the time but it does my head wonders. For the first time in years I want to read technical books at the weekend rather than take time to recover, so nice to have extra mental energy. And the €3 bottles of cava are a nice extra. Only thing I have to remember is to carry a water bottle to drink every 5 minutes.
They even have a slide in the shape of a dragon! You just couldn't ask for more.