Hi All im Mac and have been diagnosed with post ca... - Headway


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Hi All im Mac and have been diagnosed with post cancassion syndrome..

MaciejK profile image
9 Replies

As Im big fella playing ruby No4 second row newer complained about nothing...but in october been tackled and put to sleep for 15min...felt better been working..as always slept it off and ok but I went 2 weeks later to play again and again unfortunetly hit my head...didnt black out but I had massive presure head ache....since then been working what was very tuff with my moody condition and this traveleling head ache...eased off in December...but been working on installations and one morning it come backed to me so in January booked Nerologists and had MrI and CT and diagnosed with PCS... I Dont play rugby since october, when eating or drinking coffe My head feel more sour/iritated, today worked 6h field service engineer on lighter duties my 3 week ...never was weak mentally and physicly like im now...im very thirsty always and lack of apetite...plus I have baby in way so this puts extra pressure ;) doctors give paracetamol only and internet say it can take months in some cases to fully recover...any idea, medications or plan I could speed up process pls? Man can stop beliving in my own capabilities...:( as Im Polish and this job is mentally demanding and not not as much physically...how long can head rally play with me this noti way....

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MaciejK profile image
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9 Replies

Hi Maciejk welcome to the forum, its difficult to cope with any head injury and all the symptoms it brings with it. If your concerned about medication and your gp is only offering paracetamol I would go back, if needs be see someone else. You could also ask to see the neurologist again if you feel your symptoms haven't improved. Unfortunately a lot of neurologists aren't very good at explaining a condition, the dos and donts basically everything you need to know to be able to live with it. I would say you need medical advice, but everyone's great on here for offering support and any knowledge that they've found. I hope you get some help


sospan profile image


I used to play myself.

One of the important things is to avoid another bump on the head - even a small one - so no more rugby this season.

The thirst is a symptom of the head injury, drink liquids but not too much or you will flush too many minerals from your body.

To help recovery :

Try and get as much rest and avoid pressure - difficult when you have to work and going to get a baby. Sleep is good

Paracetemol, is good plus Omega 3&6 and take some multivitamins. Eat like you are in training - plenty of protein, lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, lots of fruit, vegetables and nuts. Low levels of fat, processed food, no coffee or alcohol etc.

Czy najlepszy

jayne_h profile image

Try changing your diet to speed up your recovery. There's a nice book, Tina M Sullivan, 'Nourish your Noggin' which you can get on amazon. I think it has helped my mum so far. Have a look at some of the headway e books on this website too and give them a call if you have particular questions. They are great.

randomphantoms profile image

Hi Maciejk and welcome.

You've had some great advice already.

I would add cut way down on the coffee.

Love n hugs


cat3 profile image

Welcome Maciejk. As Sospan has said, you need to avoid contact sport for a good while, 'til all your symptoms are gone. Sadly, after any type of brain injury we're left to cope with the after effects alone, but ask your GP for a stronger painkiller ; Paracetamol is the default one, but there are more effective ones you could have.

You might like to talk to your doctor about the thirst issue and ask for a blood test to test your blood sugar level. A brain injury can 'mess with your head' in curious ways. I, like many others, was left with olfactory damage so many of my favourite foods & smells are now disgusting.

Your poor bruised brain might take a few more months to heal so please rest whenever possible. Sleep, fresh air, moderate exercise and wholesome food will all help speed up your recovery.

Best wishes, Cat x

Silmarillion profile image


You sound like you need to slow down a bit and look at your priorities? It might be that you need to use your limited energy to look after your baby and do your job.

I think you also need to go back to your gp and talk to them about the symptoms you've been having to see if they can do anything for you. I think some of your symptoms warrant further investigation eg thirstiness.

Maybe you should just go and watch your rugby team play and have a drink afterwards with your pals for now...and take things easy. This would still give you the social aspects of your sport and it will also give you a chance to see how your team functions so you can go back next year and improve things?

I get a lot of bad pressure headaches. I find the best thing that helps is an ice pack wrapped in cloth on your head. It really does help.....when I'm crying with the pain that's what I do. Put one ice pack behind your neck and one on top of your head.....such a great relief.

JRio profile image

Hi so sorry to hear all this. Is Rugby a pleasure or do you play professionally? I am just thinking along the lines of others who have wisely commented above, you do not need any more head injuries.

Keep up with GP. Keeping a log or record of any symptoms may be helpful.

There will be other pain relief. I was diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome after an accident and also nerve damaged and have had three different types of meds to get on top of the pain and finally am now on one which works. Chat to your doctor.

You mentioned feeling thirsty. From my experience of PCS I found drinking essential and in fact one of my "episodes" A and E thought was due in part to dehydration. Just keeping drinking lots and lots of water, but as mentioned before do mention this to a GP as could be caused by something else. I stopped coffee for quite a while.

Trying to speed things up, I found, was counter-productive and made me relapse a bit before picking up again. Build stuff up slowly. Hard with a new baby on the way I know. I find spending time in nature or green places helps keep my brain balanced, so if possible push baby out in the pram/buggy.

Let us know how you are getting on.

MaciejK profile image

Im bit better now...eating like a horse. Headache about but not massive, my eyes ok. Im stronger but half way...and when im lifing 15kg pressure comes back..I dont understand this how it comes back to me when lifting..working..apparently light duties. Found getting headaches when driving as im field service engineer...i think I should change job for not mobile one...and may be less lifing one. Really there will be a day that Ill carry heavy shopping bags in my hands? And when this nightmare finish I will be super happy man full of happyness!?!:) message to al peoplel heaving problems dont give up Mates!

MaciejK profile image

Hello I'm back

Having baby next to me!

Up and downs feeling low some days

But survived pain and all the working to keep my family happy :)

Sill a long way a head of me! please all you lovely people don't think negative and keep fighting ! I have to change a nappy now :)

No giving up xxx

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