I thought I’d have a quick moan here to save my family having to listen to it, they could do with a break😀
I have been really excited and motivated to get the garden ready for spring. It feels nice to be excited and motivated about something. I went outside this morning and pottered about for 45minutes tidying a few things up and moving some things around. I decided I would stop and have a rest and a snack before I got fatigued. So far so good. Doing all the things I need to do, setting realistic expectations and managing my fatigue. Setting myself up for success. You’re wondering when the ‘but’ is coming aren’t you? Well here it is.
After my rest I go back outside and in less than 20 minutes I’m lying on the damp grass absolutely shattered. My head feels so heavy it feels all wobbly and my legs feel like they have rubber bands squeezing them. Today I just feel so frustrated and defeated by this, I’m fed up of it. Do you remember when you could spend the whole day in the garden and slump on the sofa in the evening, shattered, but in a good, satisfying way? I really miss what I used to be capable of.
I know I’m meant to be focusing on and celebrating what I have achieved rather what I haven’t, but today I just want to be grumpy about it rather than shining a sh*t.
Thanks for letting me grumble, I already feel a bit better getting it off my chest. It’s comforting to know you are all out there somewhere sharing these experiences and feelings. Have a good day.