I've just realised this thing is for more than just traumatic brain injuries..
Anyone else got a TBI? (Traumatic Brain Injury) - Headway
Anyone else got a TBI? (Traumatic Brain Injury)
Pretty much everyone on here Jamie...
Do you want the full list? Lol
Not just brain related.
I am worth a lot in scrap metal. Lol
Titanium internals shall we say?
It is so surprising to see the wide spectrum of injuries here. One tag covers a lot of different problems.
My son sustained a TBI after being hit by a van.
Well, anything connected with brain injury, survivors, carers, healthcare professionals (don't see much from the latter). But otherwise I think we'll all discuss "Life, the Universe, and Everything" particularly if it helps us cope or brings light relief.
Yes. I do. From a road traffic accident.
Yep, had one off work for 11 months and because of my balance and vision problems fell down the stairs and topped up the injury a bit more
I have a TBI from a head injury but I know people who have aquired brain damage from various factors
Mum had a TBI after falling off her bike.