I am also starting to feel sick. Should I go to the doctors?
I fell and hit head yesterday in the shower. I now... - Headway
I fell and hit head yesterday in the shower. I now have a lump where I hit my head that is very tender to the touch. I also have a headache.
Hi Gemma, YES its better to be safe than sorry and they can check for concussion! Hope all is OK for you.
Yes Gemma the lump is your body's attempt to further protect the damaged area and will hopefully go down by tomorrow, but if you're still feeling sick or dizzy then you should follow SAMBS advice and check it out with your GP. Best wishes.
Straight down A&E ... don't delay. Better safe than sorry.
Yes Gemma, if you feel nauseous then the signs are it's more serious than a "bump on the head"
Probably nothing to worry about but get it looked at to be on safe side. You might find this doc interesting reading. The guidelines used to see just how serious things might be and what treatment is needed. nice.org.uk/nicemedia/pdf/c...
Hi GemmaJonas,
Thank you for your post. I do hope you were able to follow the excellent advice of our members and have your head injury checked out, and that you are starting to feel better.
I would suggest you read the information on our website at headway.org.uk/minor-head-i...
Also download the two factsheets which can be accessed at the bottom of the page. One is our discharge advice, which does not replace the advice of a doctor but provides information to help you over the next few weeks. The other is useful information for your GP.
You can also contact our helpline on 0808 800 2244 or helpline@headway.org.uk and they will be able to talk things through with you, giving details of support and information that may benefit you.
Best wishes,
Yes, if you haven't done so already please do go. It's always best to get things checked if you are worried.
We hope all is well and nothing to worry about.