Here's a little story for you;
The farmer plants his crop in the spring, takes care of it diligently every day, he's a man who loves his family, he's an honourable person, and he works hard on his farm. But then just before he sends the combines out into the field, a hailstorm comes and beats it all into the ground, which means that this time, you lose.
Now if the hailstorm does this before the farmer has a chance to harvest, he now has a choice, what will he do come next spring? One farmer might say; "well I'm never going to plant again, look at what the hail does". But let me give you better odds than that; come harvest time, I promise you this, more often than not, you will reap what you planted in the spring. Once in a while, you don't, once in a while, it doesn't work, but more often than not, it will.
So should the farmer take a risk next spring? The answer's yes. Could another hailstorm come two years in a row? Absolutely. But if you do not plant in the next spring, you don't even have a chance.
Keep going, you're doing the right thing. The hail may have come and destroyed what you had, but you won't have a chance if you don't try again.