My life as I know it......: Tuesday week, 9th July... - Headway


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My life as I know it......

3 Replies

Tuesday week, 9th July, will be the 46th anniversary of my TBI; I rarely pay much heed to that but at 63 some of the old and unwanted traits I fought and beat are returning, being depression and having to control myself in the presence of women.

There's also the petit mal that has occurred four times since April.

I suspect the reason for the first two to be my sex life being like my Ferrari. [I don't actually have a Ferrari, so it's non-existant]. I blame the very bright light at the opticians for the reoccurance of the petit mal.

My missus wanted to know why I came home a little worse for wear from drink last Friday and when I told her the truth 'I was having a go at her...' I was no problem, I came in, ate my meal and went to bed. It's not even a common occurance with me, but I enjoyed the company in the pub so much that might change.

I didn't even have the intention of having an affair either ... until Friday last but I don't suppose there'll be anyone remotely attracted to a non smoking and charming tubby bloke with a scar to be proud of across his bonce that's accompanied by a lightning wit so that's another empty avenue I won't be walking

I've also had the brief thought to find the driver of the car that ran into the back of my motorbike as I turned right and did this to me for the pleasure of punching his lites out; I had no compensation and I'll bet the bloke did well for himself. He was 35 then so there's every chance he's not about as he'd be 80/81 now. He's lucky I respect OAPs

Good job I have an absorbing hobby I think.

Anyone else get brassed off occasionally? If you do, what do you do about it?

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3 Replies
bikerlifestyle profile image

i get pissed of, then i think that i am lucky in a lot of ways, i am quite a positive person

i think the secret to life (for me anyway) is being happy despite what life throws at you.

prior to my accident, i had an illness which was going to put me in a wheelchair, so by the time i had my accident (17yrs ago) i had already accepted the fact i was going to be in a chair in a few years so it was no big deal, i consider myself lucky for being able to accept that prior to my head injury.

i joke and laugh about anything i don't care if a joke is offensive, as i am an equal opportunity piss taker, and i would expect others to take the piss out of me and use my disability as part of the joke

so when i get pissed off, i hide it all behind a smile and carry on, i just wish i had one person who would look me in the eyes and say 'i know you are not ok' and give me a big hug, i don't expect them to say anything, just them knowing without me saying anything is enough

pollyanne profile image

I think if you can look at things with humour its half the battle!! You both definately can! It makes life so much easier- One little instance-since my OH's TBI he has been left with Aphasia especially with numbers (thinks one thing but says another) . On waiting in the train station the other week a woman (who obviously had her own problems) kept asking everone what time it was- must have been at least 25 times ! eventually the train came and OH breathed turned to me and said 'thank god she didnt ask me -it would have been like a monty python sketch lasting all day- me saying the wrong time, her asking me again!! Thank God for humour -embrace it !!!x

Thanks for your replies 'Bikerlifestyle' and 'Pollyanne.' I take the piss all the time to be honest and I don't give a hoot as pc, equal opportunities and human rights are not a component.

Yesterday I did my usual journey to work, bus to Brixton tube station then underground to Gloucester Road Station changing at Victoria; except yesterday I didn't. I recall feeling a certain peaceful aura descending over me as we left Pimlico Station and when I snapped out of what had occured [petit mal again] the train was standing at Green Park, one past Victoria and the audible alarm was indicating the doors were going to close.

Amid a flurry of slightly slurred bad language [Oh FFS and the choice religious oriented 'God's Bnllncks'] I left the train with several fellow trogladite commuters laughing like drains to whom I presented two Churchillian fingers as they looked out as the tube train moved off.

I changed lines and returned to Gloucester Road via the Piccadilly line where barrier line staff greeted me with 'Thought you'd try the Piccadilly Line today then......' which left me with an opening for a little piss taking on my own....

Cheers each!

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