Acceptance is hard, and I am by no means an authority on it, but I know that it's a necessary part of any grief.
Now this is not another way of saying that you're "giving up", or that you have to settle for for a poorer standard of life. But if you can't come around to what's happened, and you think that one day you'll be ok with it anyway, you may as well try head-butting a wall and expecting it fall down. Denying yourself the opportunity to come to terms with what comes your way is one of the cruellest things you can do to yourself, when you accept circumstances beyond your control you're basically telling it that it may have taken something from you, but it most definitely hasn't crushed your spirit, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to lose anything else.
There is no reason, and it wasn't your fault, it's just something that happened, like a myriad of other things in history. If you don't try to come around to it, it won't go away, and the world won't bat an eyelid if you don't like it.
I only say this because I'm trying to do it now, and I'm sure many of you may have come to terms with it, and to you, well done, I'm sure it wasn't easy.
So withdraw for a while, that's fine, as long as you can drag your sorry ass body around, you can do this for as long as you want. You owe it to yourself. On the bright side,
you have a killer story to tell at parties.