After trying all this year and most of last year, applying for job after job, it finally happened. I got an interview, survived it, and have kept it for 7 weeks! It's an easy job (brain-surgery will have to wait another few years ) but I guess some of you will understand what a massive buzz this has given me. Honestly, I never thought I'd do it, I was applying in the end just because I felt I "should," if you know what I mean, and I think I was expecting to get either ignored or rejected just because of the way I am. I still make mistakes LOL, but they give me time and space to sort them myself.
Don't give up, it doesn't just have to be if you're looking for work, every day can bring a hundred new challenges of its own. I hope this doesn't offend anyone because it's not intended to but what I'm trying to say is never give up on yourself, sometimes you can do way more than you ever thought possible x