Bless the NHS, sent me from Headway to my GP to the neurology department to a neuropsychologist. Now I'm a functioning human, I work full time, I pay the mortgage, I have hobbies and can even maintain property better than property management companies ( ). I've not got depression and not much more than the edges of anxiety or stress when e.g. my post gets made redundant. But it's all much more of a struggle than it used to be so when help comes I'll happily take it.
The first session with the neuropsychologist was a classic freudian style therapy. How do you feel about your friends, family, relationships etc? (they're all lovely). Do you enjoy your job? (I have an awesome job.) It's surprisingly hard work, I was tired after the session but I felt happier for the rest of the week so it does seem to work.
The next couple of session were cognitive testing, IQ tests of various sorts, memory tests, verbal and auditory and kinesthesic tests etc. I felt I did fine in both tests but the first one took a huge amount of energy, I had to lie out on the lawn outside the neurology building for half an hour to recover. The second one I was perfectly able to cycle home after and work as normal. The randomness of my head or a sign of getting better? Who can tell.
Next session will be a review. I've no idea where this is going but it'll be interesting to find out.