Hi All,
I'm new here. This is my very first post in my life! Please be patient with me.
After a Road Traffic Accident and a serious head injury I was left without any support or help whatsoever from my GP and other NHS Agencies for many years. I lost my job and any quality of life.
I've read about NHS places where there is help but I can't find any information on what to expect if I manage to be referred to one.
Is there anybody who has been to one of these Rehab Units? If you have, where did you go and how was it?
I would be so grateful if you will share your experiences with me (good or bad): were you tested by a neuropsychologist, what kind of assessments did you receive ( e.g. MRI, neuropsychological tests, anything else), how long it takes to go through the assessment, how long to receive the results, what help, advice and support was given to you during and after the assessment. After discharge did you have any follow up and if yes how long for? Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards