Has anyone received help from "Access to work" with travelly to and from work?? My work is becoming increasingly reluctant to continue helping with this, so my Occ Therapist has suggested Access to work for some funding towards taxis. This would cost approx £600 per month, but I can't yet use public transport due to my Balance and dizziness problems and fatigue. I wondered how much they are lickely to contibute.
Access to work: Has anyone received help from... - Headway
Access to work
yes i did, i had taxis to and from work, it helped a lot, basically you pay for the taxis and claim it back, but i opened an account witth my local taxi company, i exlained that payments would be a month behind and they were happy with that, i occasionally had to chase up access to work for payment but it was all very straight forward (now this is going back 10 years or so)
I have used Access to Work since my stroke and previously when I suffered a badly slipped disc. One of the most helpful government agencies out there.
I am self employed and they pay the full amount of any expenses in my case. If you are PAYE I think its 50% and your employer makes up the rest.
They usually assign you an advisor who will talk it through and suggest different options.
A friend who has suffered a stroke gets taxi fares paid.