Hi everyone, I am on the thyroid community which I recently joined. They told me that I should get a blood test done so I can put on the site for people to help me with my fatigue and tiredNess mood swings and etc.
On my results it came back that my ferritin was 718. The normal range is between 30 and 400.so I made an appointment but I could only get a nurse practioner. She looked at my records and noticed thatI had a ferritin test in august 2015. None of the doctors dI'd a further investigation into why it is high until now.I have phoned the doctors for my results and was told the doctor wants to see me about the results on Tuesday. Non emergency appointment. Back in the 2015 my reading was 820. Do you think this is bad practice and is there any long term damage to myself because of it.I would be grateful if I could get some feedback please.thanks for reading wayne staton