I was recently diagnosed with Stage 1b Womb Cancer in July and had a Hysterectomy 5 weeks ago - all very quick. I am healing very well. It was a terrible shock as I am slim, fit, healthy, vegetarian and Yoga Teacher. I have never taken the pill or HRT. I am 59 years old and have had 2 children and no gynae problems. But apparently this was a slow growing oestrogen related cancer.
I have been booked in for Brachytherapy for the top of the vagina. Despite having discussed and researched this a lot over the last few weeks, I am still undecided about whether or not to go through with this. I know that the cancer may appear at the top of the vagina and if it does then Brachytherapy would prevent this. However, if I don't get this done know and it does appear, I can get it done then.
The side effects can be quite horrid and I really don't want to do anything that may be unnecessary and may affect my ongoing health. I have always preferred natural therapies, etc. to drugs of any sort.
I have discussed this at length with the Radiotherapy department and my cancer consultant and I am still undecided.
Has anyone got any advice?