From early December 2016 I noticed a watery discharge which was streaky and pink coloured. Over the Christmas holiday I began to bleed more heavily the bleeding continued I felt tired for most of the time. Fast forward to mid January 17 the bleeding was excessive I bled very heavy for 3 days and felt very unwell I was not able to get a GP appointment so I contacted the NHS help line who advised me to attend a walk in treatment centre which I did. It was identified that my blood pressure was elevated and I was experiencing tachycardia due to the blood loss.
I attended an emergency hospital appointment the same day, and referred for a colposcopy which identified a cyst which was removed at the appointment. Next I attended a scan appointment which has identified a thickened and bulky uterus. I have an appointment for a hysteroscopy and biopsy in 4 weeks. The bleeding continues going from heavy to light to spotting, I am finding going to work overwhelming and exhausting, I just want to sleep, I am border line anaemia, I am taking iron tablets.
I had an appointment yesterday with the Consultant who told me that I am am old lady and I have put myself at greater risk of cancer because I had declined a Mirena Coil in July 2016 when I was diagnosed with a dysfunctional uterus at the time I felt the coil was not right for me plus the bleeding stopped and I had no bleeding from July - December 2016 and I felt wonderful during that time. Is there anyone who has experienced similar bleeding to me?