Has anybody experienced Depression af... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Has anybody experienced Depression after being Diagnosed?

Hi Harriet, Were you okay before and are depressed now?
Depending upon whether it is pre, post or both, there seems to be a few schools of thought.
1. CoeliacUK did a study last year asking how depressing we found being a coeliac. The study seemed to suggest that isolation, food restrictions etc were the main cause of depression post diagnosis.
2. This book relates to old studies of depressed coeliacs - I've only skim-read but they suggest that coeliacs who were late diagnosed may have long term problems:
Personally I've never felt better mentally since becoming GF, with brain fog and headaches almost eliminated (after being a daily regular). It's a pity the medics hadn't known of these studies - they had plenty of time (50+!)
my depression has been ongoing for years but then I missed being diagnosed for years I put it down to lack of absorbtion over a long time doom is me. It does seem to be worse now though medication no good.
Vince - it's an old chestnut I know but have you tried exercise? The natural endorphin's really do make a positive difference. I know the last thing that you feel like is jumping up and down when it's hard to function with a dark cloud over you. But forcing yourself to go for small walks/ go to a gym/ or a zumba class if you fancy a laugh at all the moves really does help. It's also well worth explaining that the drugs don't work to your GP. Brain chemicals are delicate and it may well be they can be increasing your depression - there's been many drugs on the market that sadly have made people feel lower than they started out! Also as Jerry says - sleep - eating well does wonders. Another tactic is trying to gradually think of one positive thing that happened each day and writing it down. Maybe in a small notepad and look back over it each month. Even if it's your favorite footie team scoring a goal or the sun shining, start small and work up. It's amazing how we can learn to focus on the negative rather than the positive. So try and eat/ sleep well, exercise & see your Dr.
Hi Harriet, I'm sorry if you are feeling depressed and as Jacks points out you are not alone in feeling this. Rather than suffer in silence I would consider going to your Dr and ask about counselling. (This is not meant patronisingly)
Or talk about it on here as this is a support site for coeliac and knowing that others have similar emotions/feelings can help OK? so if you want support you've got it, we're all coeliac on here so you are in good company.
So you ask away or have a rant about what a drag it is being a coeliac and get it off your chest.
This also may interest you it's a blog I wrote on here some time ago about the emotional side of being a coeliac
Jacks: Yes I never dealt with depression before but I fear that what Im feeling can be depression. Has any of you guys suffered that sort of feeling? Could it even be the diet, and how I need to change it to something more suitable? Jerry: Thank you so much that has really helped out- such great advice! Vince: How did you get out of the depression side of things?
I don't normally suffer from depression, but have had several occasions where I have been accidentally "glutened" and suffered from depression as one of the symptoms (and quite badly too). This went away as the reaction subsided.
Believe it was more of a body/chemical thing rather than a head thing as the depression started after I had ingested gluten but before the other symptoms presented themselves.
So yes, think a food reaction can lead to this.
Hiya Harriet, sorry to hear things are difficult for you at the moment. Be assured, you are not alone in experiencing this. As Jerry said, feel free to off load & express how your day has made you feel. I have been 'battling' with this problem for a while now. But had always thought it was down to a series of difficult family problems & my other health issues building up & causing low mood/depression?
Pre-CD, I had always had a bubbly type of personality, with the ability to bounce back after the highs & lows of being divorced Mum. With three young children. My eldest child has Severe Learning Disability, Autism & a very rare. Chromosome disorder. As a family we learnt to go with the flow, ignore the ignorant- why do some people think they can just walk up to a complete stranger & ask you what's wrong with your son? You ought to smack him! There's no way I'd let a child of mine behave like that! Or the 'class' way a mum sitting on the row in front of us at the cinema-to see a disney childrens film- who had turned to us & said very loudly- Is he allowed in here? My son was just 8 years old at the time. Grrrrr! Sorry folks! Rant on that subject is over!
It seems to me, that even with a GF diet, more than the 5 a day of fresh fruit/vegetables. Plus sensible eating of healthy carbs during the day to avoid the 'dips' ... I have been experiencing really big drops in energy levels & generally feeling drained. When I look back over the years since CD, I realise, I have been 'pacing' my days/activities for years.
For me though, it was my son's severe reaction to medication in 2009. That meant he was hospitalised for almost 6 months/nursing home for another 4 months. That tipped my balance. The adrenalin & mum mode got me thru that year. But once he was 'safely' back at his Specialist Autistic Unit, I just flopped. I was completely burnt out. Two years on I am still unfit for work. Struggle with the day to day stuff & can go days with only minimal sleep. Too restless to sleep but too deflated to complete tasks I start? Waffle over, think my general state, is a combination of things over time, that have never been fully dealt with or resolved. Medical problems & the change in life style have had a knock on effect, that & the fact I am 50! Menopausal & have lost my structure/routine of working family life.... Sorry again for the waffle!
Hi Carona, thanks for being open and honest about your feelings because some people just don't get it and live their lives in denial.
Sometimes things go wrong in our lives and there are 3 very important areas;
1) home life
2) work life
3) relationships
When things go wrong in one area we can take solice from the other 2 when things go wrong in 2 we're in trouble when things go wrong in all 3 we need help.
I'm sorry about your perdicament and appart from listening and sympathising my advice would be to try and learn to relax so that you can sleep better this in my opinion is the first step, because after a good nights sleep we feel less fraught and better equipped to take life's blows. And I would try and see yourself for what YOU are: a loving caring mother who obviously puts her children first. That's a pretty darn good in my book. And look at what you can do and try and take strength from the love you have for your children and the love that they give you. I bet there's never a dull moment in your home. I bet you're never bored.
Lstly a really positive attitude based on ''I'm OK you're OK'' is worth trying methinks.
Thats my 2p's worth,

Thanks for your kind words Jerry, think they were worth a lot more than 2p to me! It can make you feel embarrassed at times, when you realise you have opened up & off loaded to someone you don't really know. In this case, for other people to also see. Have learnt over the last 2 years, that unless you are open with your feelings/things that are worrying you. Then you never really resolve those issues. Carrying on with the problem shared, problem halved theory.
Yes, my children are a blessing & as they have got older have bought even more happiness into the family. My eldest daughter has two little ones. So I am a very proud 'Nanan' as well. Think the thing that causes the most frustration for me. Is not having the energy to do the things I used to do, without thinking about. But all a part of getting older... : D
As to the never a dull moment- things have been 'fun' at times. I used to worry about the quality of childhood my daughters had with family like being effected as it was. But my eldest daughter, put my mind at rest on that one. She had told me- Yes Mum, we had a different kind of family life, but it was one that you made fun! So I guess as a parent, I couldn't have asked for more. So very proud of all of my children. Their strength of will to succeed in all they attempt to do. Even if it is the mischief kind that my son gets up to! It's not been unknown for him to have his own & other folks underware hanging off the guttering after he's ran off with the said items. Nearly doubled up & crying with laughter as he posts them out of the window of choice. Which with his prior tactics for distraction, whether it's a spilt drink or a bunch of keys he's spotted, grabbed, then thrown. Means the folks around him are busy sorting that chaos- while he gets on with what he had planned originally. Bizarrely, he has been assessed at the 2-3yr level & speech at the 2 word level. Guess there are a lot of things that even the experts can't explain eh? Which CD is one of the very many. Waffle over.
Will leave you all in peace.
my short answer is yes i have....in the beginning the whole lifestyle change can be very overwhelming & you just see the things you cannot do or have....luckily i had a lot of support from friends & family @ the beginning so i think it made things easier for me whilst i was healing....once i was healed & absorption was fixed things kind of gently got better....of course life happened too & i have no plan on sharing the details ...it was very tough but i am still here to tell the tale....i also suffered from depression pre diagnosis which i believe was to do with the malabsorption etc so these days i take 5htp to boost my natural serotonin making ability...i am not the worlds biggest fan of conventional meds & would recommend people give them a try & see what you think to them & whether they suit you or not...i still need to pluck up the courage to go abroad on hols so wish me luck with that one !!!