e.g. for the better - do you eat healthier foods? Or for the worse? Do you crave foods and bing on GF cake? Do you think about food all the time and worry about cross contamination?
Has being diagnosed with coeliac dise... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Has being diagnosed with coeliac disease altered your or your child's relationship with food?

I was diagnosed 15 months ago my daughter was diagnosed 8 monthjs ago and yes coeliacs has a altered my whole families relationship with food, hubby used to cook now is scared to do so, weve gone from cravingsn to bing on gf cakes, felt that I was getting worse for a while, I've been on the paleo diet 2 weeks and feel well, as do my daughter, don't stick to it religiously about 90% of the time and the benefits show, lots more energy and appear more happier.
I have been GF for just over 6 months and I find I am more interested in food now. Having to seek out new recipes and learn more about food has been a benefit. Don't really have cravings as I never was one for a lot of caked and puddings anyway. I have developed a bit of a liking for salted peanuts & crunchies though. I need to be careful there but I am keeping my weight under control with plenty of running..... which by the way I recomend to anyone for a real good feeling of well being.
We eat healthier foods and I spend more time cooking and baking than before. I read every label and try to eat mainly unprocessed foods
I think I had a bad relationship with food before being diagnosed, I just stopped eating anything that I thought 'upset' my stomach, though mostly people didn't realise as I was a grazer and sort of nibbled thoughout the day when I worked. However, when a complete meal was put in front of me I could only eat a small amount and when eating out was frequently asked if there was something wrong with the food as I left so much on the plate!! Eventually, I got so ill I was frequently missing work and almost stopped eating altogether.
I now think I have a good relationship with food after two and a half years of gf, I have put weight on, but was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and am now finding my weight is settling nicely. We cook nearly everything from scratch, eat a very healthy diet and I enjoy my meals now. That's not to say I never eat cakes and choc etc. just not too often. Do lots of walking and starting to feel a bit fitter these days.
i too suffer with thyroid probs and after a year and a half of being diagnosed with caeliac put on weight as i was using cheese to add flavour to bland meals...and grabbed gf cakes as they were available from supermarkets and a quicker option than cooking from scratch..due to time constraints. my prescriptions were getting more difficult to obtain..and i was shocked to find that cakes biscuits and sweet things would be readily available on prescription whereas when i tried to get my savory items they were unavailable, so in answer to your question yes it has altered my perception of food completely ( i now cook from scratch and freeze a lot of meals.) i am glad to say i have recently lost the gained weight but through hard work and percevearance not due to the thyroid medication taken. it is much harder when you are a caeliac sufferer with thyroid problems i find