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Dedicated gluten and wheat free bakery -

Lynxcat profile image
32 Replies

Apparently Warburton's Bakery have now got a dedicated Gluten Free and Wheat Free Bakery called: Newburn Bakehouse.

"Our dedicated facility in Newburn is purpose-built to produce our free from range."

Available from today.

There are two disappointing aspects about this site however, I could find no ingredients lists or ways to contact.

Under more information this is all that I could find available - if anyone else finds where any of the ingredients list are then please advise here:

Product Info

Our Gluten-Free & Wheat-Free Sliced White loaf is a deliciously soft and flavoursome bread that’s just perfect for sandwiches, soldiers, hot buttered toast or whatever else you fancy.

More Info

Each slice contains the below as a % of the adults guideline daily amounts

Calories 80 4%

Sugars 0.6g 1%

Fat 2.2g 3%

Saturates 0.2g 1%

Salt 0.29g 5%

Fibre 1.5g 6%

Allergy Advice

This product contains egg.

Suitable for vegetarians.

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Lynxcat profile image
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32 Replies

In one respect, a dedicated manufacturing process is great from a food safety point of view.

But when 'Big Food' starts making investments like this, it shows that there is enough profit to be made in supplying people with chronic health conditions, foodstuffs that may not technically contain gluten but still won't help them get better and will possibly make them worse.

Fake foods are not a solution!

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply toAndrea-LifeAfterBread

My surprise also was that why they apparently felt the need to hide the ingredients. I must confess that in the last twelve months I have only bought one loaf of bread for myself and that was this Christmas. After eating just one slice I felt ill. The bread wasn't as it happens Warburton's bread - but nevertheless it was from another gluten free manufacturer.

I remember feeling that it was not a good idea when finding out that Glutafin was a part of Dr. Schär - especially as one includes Codex wheat starch in their products.

I am opposed to any company manufacturing either gluten free or free from products that include any form of Codex. The one thing that I have recently noticed are the number of Coeliac and Gluten Free sites and news items that are now definitely saying 'if you have coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity then you need to avoid all gluten.' Although as coeliacs we recognise as this is essential, I wonder if ever this will become mainstream treatment consideration of other diseases such as MS one day?

KayVee profile image
KayVee in reply toLynxcat

Warburtons! Tried their Gluten free bread a couple of times, well actually we bought it, but when opeded, it was impossible to spread with well softened butter without disintegrating into a pile of crumbs. Impossible to use for sandwiches. Will the new effort be any better and safe to eat? I'll let someone else bear the cost this time!

I regularly have Glutafin Gluten and Wheat free general purpose white flour for Pastry and once mastered, it produces a really good pie. I recently tried, for one delivery, the "Select" Gluten free version, which does have wheat starch in it, and all the digestion problems returned! I may just try it again in a few months, just to be sure that this wheat starch is the problem. From other experiences, I do believe this to be the culprit.

Lexy profile image

Hi Lynxcat, the DS website says they do NOT include codex wheat starch in their products. I am able to eat their white ciabatta rolls (I sometimes have one with a meal) without noticeable problems.

Do you have certified information that DS contains codex wheat starch? If so, then their website and their packaging is very worrying as neither states this.

jan44 profile image
jan44 in reply toLexy

Hi Lexy

As far as I know the ds white ciabatta rolls don't contain codex. Glutafin also do these same rolls on prescription and they are called part baked white rolls they don't contain codex. I don't think any of the ds supermarket products contain codex. The one's that do are the prescription products which do state it on the label, these are under the glutafin brand.


Lexy profile image
Lexy in reply tojan44

Thanks for that Jan - I must admit I was a bit worried there!

Jacks profile image
Jacks in reply tojan44

But are they the same? The NHS Borderline list has the Glutafin ones as being part of the 'Select' range and, therefore, gluten free but not wheat free. Of course someone might have made an error .....

Here it is in black and white:

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply toLexy

Hi Lexy, I believe that none of the DS loaves do contain any Codex wheat starch. What we would all hope is that as they have apparently taken over the Glutafin brand that they would in future take it out of that brand too, as to be wheat and gluten free is the 'tune that they play to.'

I found it perplexing when I first learnt about Codex wheat starch inclusion into any product that was manufactured for the coeliac market. I was naive at the time as I genuinely thought 'gluten free' blazoned on a product, actually meant gluten free! In fact, it wasn't until I joined this site that I found that this was not the case. I suppose perhaps because I haven't experienced the knowledge of the 200ppm Codex which sounds like a disastrous mountain of the stuff and rather the lesser amount of 20ppm which still sounds rather a lot that I have become more wary of it. Added to this whereas I used to eat oats without a second thought, I now try to think of my long term health and existence and try to avoid anything which might (and I emphasize might) cause harm to my body over a period of years and this, of course includes Codex wheat starch and products that are up to 20ppm gluten. I know that under current systems we cannot got to a total 0ppm but hope that eventually they will at least try and achieve the same levels as Australia and New Zealand and get all coeliac food down to 5ppm ........... suppose this may be a dream but after all if they can do it in Australia then why not over here?

in reply toLynxcat

Cause we are smart :-)

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to

Hi Roscoe, It's good to see you back here again!

And, of course, you are smarter than the rest of the world - there is much catching up to do everywhere else. I think perhaps there are too many "experts" throwing their pies in the oven at the moment. We want some good old-fashioned common sense to prevail. It seems so obvious to the rest of us - 'the more gluten ingested the more problems occur.' What some fail to realise is 'the experts' that offer all of the advice to us do not have to suffer the consequences of their legislation, do they?

saltyswamp profile image

Warburtons GF bakery always has been at Newburn, they have just rebranded their Products.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply tosaltyswamp

I didn't realise this Saltyswamp ... and there was I thinking that they had invested in a new bakery!

Tiggykanga profile image

I, as a newly diagnosed coeliac in the early stages fortunately so not such a great amount of damage as there could have been according to the endoscopy, have been trying various makes of GF free bread and to be honest it is all pretty much of a muchness, tasteless and unpleasant in general. I tried the new Warburtons one too which has been available for about 3 weeks in my local supermarkets - not nice either. I am going to try making my own bread to see if I can get something edible and decent to eat. I have not been checking the ingredients religiously thinking that if a product appears in the GF section of a store they are safe to eat but at least the homemade one will only contain what I put in it myself :(

katethebake profile image
katethebake in reply toTiggykanga

Hi Tiggykanga. If you are trying to make your own bread, you might find that the glutenfreegirl blog (google it as i am not sure whether links are acceptable here) is a good place to start. Making gf bread is not, in anyway, the same as making wheat containing bread, you can't use a single flour and get decent results for example. You will also find you need some kind of 'glue' (gluten) replacement which commercially is usually xanthan gum or guar but on gfg they test and discuss alternatives such as flax/linseed, psyllium etc. Alternatively there are plenty of mixes available from supermarkets and healthfood shops. Nothing though, will have the same flavour as the wheat breads that you are familiar with, but you might grow to love the flavour of other grains over time!

Good luck, Kate

Tiggykanga profile image
Tiggykanga in reply tokatethebake

Thanks - disaster so far lol!

Lynxcat profile image

A little link about grains - quite interesting stuff that explains about grains and rebuilding your health. The full article is a little long for some to read but it is fitted onto just one page. Here is a taster for those who may wish to read more .......

"Grains, breads, flour products and pasta can actually damage your digestive system and feed pathogenic bacteria and yeast.

Flour products are mucus-forming and are basically "glue-like" in your intestines. Since most of the beneficial fiber has been removed from flour products like cookies, donuts, pasta and today's modern bread, they move slowly through your digestive system. With their sticky, glue-like consistency, they literally "gum up" your intestines.

These foods are also very dehydrating. Besides causing constipation, they help you create a toxic environment that is attractive to pathogenic microorganisms like yeast. Please note, I said, "help you create," because it is you doing the choosing and the eating.

While sugar and flour are the most damaging to your colon, even the unrefined "whole" grains that we've been told are "healthy" can wreak havoc on your health.

Whole grains like wheat, barley, rye, oatmeal, spelt and rice are acid-forming. They have a lot of sugar in them. Pathogens (yeast, viruses and parasites) find them to be very sweet foods and thrive on them. The Body Ecology Diet is an antifungal diet, so these grains are strictly avoided if you have a yeast or fungal infection (and it is believed that eight out of ten Americans do have a fungal infection.)

But there's another problem with most grains. Wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt all contain gluten. (Rice is gluten free.). Today 1 out of every 133 Americans has a negative reaction to these gluten grains and are said to be "gluten intolerant." Even worse is a condition called celiac sprue." .....

"Are millions of people in the US really gluten intolerant or do they simply lack "grain loving" microflora that can digest gluten foods? Are they lacking digestive enzymes to digest grains? Are the grain-based foods they are eating the wrong foods? The Body Ecology Diet helps answer these questions and solve these problems while still providing you many fiber-rich foods."

Link to the full article:

Lexy profile image

The latest bread I've tried is Biona Organic Rice flour and Sunflower seed gluten free and wheat free bread. It seems to be ok in terms of not causing an immediate reaction (I've got Dermatitis Herpetiformis so the itching and blistering is very quick to arise upon gluten ingestion). I believe it is made in a German bakery - I have no idea if they have a dedicated gluten-free premises or if they also make gluten-full bread (would imagine so). It may be worth a try if you like and miss German-style dark rye breads: they are thin rectangular slices, very sturdy and are great with a variety of toppings, can also be toasted. Just some info for those who may be interested. I can only find Biona online or at the odd healthfood shop (quite pricey, over £3 a packet..

Lynxcat profile image

Hi, Found a link for several gluten free Biona breads - looks as though you may have to purchase more than one at a time though:

Couldn't resist adding this as it's the first time I've ever seen it for sale!! Quinoa flour:

Couldn't believe how long the list for gluten free items were on this link and they even have gluten free vegetarian and vegan marshmallows!

dobido profile image

the tastiest bread and one that stays fresh longer was 2 free loaves i got from juvela i got one white and one brown it does not crumble like the others i,ve tried you can find them at hope others try it and enjoy like i have

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply todobido

Pleased that you enjoyed the bread dobido.

Just an added little note on Juvela. Please note that they choose to use Codex wheat starch in their bakery .... (click on link then on list of ingredients):

Irene profile image
IreneAdministrator in reply toLynxcat

This may be confusing as Juvela DON'T use codex wheat starch in all their products. They also have a range which are also gluten and wheat free without codex wheat. The link above explains why they use codex in a particular range of products. Here's the link showing the gluten and wheat free products available:

dobido profile image
dobido in reply toLynxcat

thanks for that i,m really sensitive to wheat and wondered why i was still feeling the same as when i was eatting g/f bread i will have to try and find another nice tasting bread that is g/f and wheat free everything else i eat is g/f and w/f .Do you know of one?

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply todobido

Hi again Dobido, Bread is a very personal taste to us all and it is often the type of bread that you enjoy that will be important to you. All I would advise is: if you can always check the ingredients before purchasing. Look for all natural ingredients, avoid soya if possible (as there are some people who find difficulties in the digestion of soya unless it is fully fermented) and of course Codex wheat starch.

There is an Artizan Bakery that is Gluten Free with minimal ingredients - I discovered this just a few moments ago so I haven't in all fairness had a proper chance to check out everything or contact them as yet. Therefore, I haven't tried any of the breads but it looks, on first impressions, like it could be the answer to all of our dreams as they put nothing artificial or bad into the breads with this promise:

None of our products contain baker’s yeast, sugar, enzymes, Xanthan gum, GM, eggs, dairy or cholesterol. All ingredients are listed. Read our FAQs fore more information. They are all organic and also state this: Yeast is only suitable for the production of wheat breads since it relies on the wheat gluten, which is only available in wheat, forming a viscoelastic film to retain the gas.

Here is the site link:

Basic white bread is Rice flour*, water, natural leaven*, sea salt, calcium (from seaweed*), psyllium husk*, seaweed* - *organic

coeliacandhappy profile image

My 10 year old coeliac daughter loves Warburtons bread over any other. It seems to be the most like real bread. Some of the early comments surprised me. Such negativity. It amazes me that people treat the growing market of gluten free products with such a cynical attitude. Seriously, has nobody heard of demand and supply? Or should we go back to the dark ages of no gluten free products at all? I am happy to have a growing selection of foods to buy for my daughter and if companies like Warburtons are getting rich on the back of that, do I care? So long as she can eat a great variety of foods and not feel so isolated that's a good thing. Its not a big conspiracy to rob coeliacs!!!!.................

dobido profile image
dobido in reply tocoeliacandhappy

everybody will find a favorite bread, just as non coeliacs do but why should these large companys make so much profit on g/f products if less people bought them they would reduce the price. Its not that expensive for them to take out the gluten products surely, so why should we have to pay between two and three pounds for a small loaf which i find to crumble alot, just to fill their pockets and empty ours

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply todobido

If you are into baking then here is a link that you will find interesting that also includes several bread recipes - tried and tested with pictures included by a fellow member of this forum:

katethebake profile image
katethebake in reply todobido

Hi dobido.

I wish that it were true that gf products were not expensive to make but unfortunately it is far from the case.

Globally the main grains grown are wheat, rice and maize, the other grains that may feature in gf breads are produced in much smaller quantities and are therefore even more expensive. As commodities are traded globally and shipped as unprocessed grains to prevent deterioration, they are usually ground in their country of sale. For financial efficiency, most mills handle many different grains so any non-gluten containing grain processed at that mill would be contaminated. Therefore GF flour has to be produced in a GF mill which can certify its' products as less than 20ppm. The same goes for every other ingredient that they use - sugar, butter, baking powder, even oil has to be certified as GF. This is something that most bulk ingredient producers will not contemplate due to the small demand and the cost.

The producer has to lab test each production batch or regular random samples in the case of large production runs commercially costing up to £40 per sample ie loaf. When you factor in the cost of created a dedicated gluten free facility and the difficulty of creating and marketing products in such a niche market, you can begin to see how the increased prices are reached.

I don't feel overly comfortably sounding like i am justifying big business but simply wanted to explain that it is a costly business to be in.

Boring rant over (sorry). Kate

Hi all.

In Australia we are luck to have a bread mix made by Springhill Farm. They make a Real Bread Mix, A Fruit Mix and a Grain Variety. Simply mix in a mixmaster, wait for it to rise then beat it again. Put it into the oven and then pure heaven for a day. Freezes well but like most GF bread goes stale quickly.

gailmk1 profile image

Hi Everyone,

I use a specialised baker in Scotland although he will post to all over, he only bakes gluten and wheat free bread and cakes, I thought I would pass his site on as he is fantastic, he does wonderful bagels as well, if you have a look at his site and happen to order anything just tell him Gail let you know xxxx

I have never tasted gf bread that tastes so normal, the bakers name is Colin.

Gail xxxx

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply togailmk1

Thanks for this Gailmk1 ..... it's lovely of you to take the time to share the link - we all need a little tasty bread that's safe to eat.

Hope you're not too snowed in, in Scotland .. this is the most snow that we've had in a couple of years or more!

gailmk1 profile image

You are all very welcome Lynxcat,

Nope just got a wee bit snow, quite disappointed about it, hopefully get more over the weekend.

I hope everyone is safe and well with the weather they have.

Gail xxx

JoolsEnzo profile image

I bought the Warburton's re-branded bread once but won't bother again. For something that tastes and feels (as you eat it) like 'real' bread I occasionally buy pizza bases from Tesco or Asda. I use them from the packet to make a sandwich and they make good garlic bread. I don't eat pizza as I don't like cheese!

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